1. You fail to consider the consequences of your actions. You have to shift your thinking from “This won’t hurt me” to “Will this help me or not?” Every action that you take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing fat. Once you recognize this, you’ll start to make better choices. So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or against fat loss. And every fitness choice you make is either for or against fat loss. Until you practice accountability, you will always be someone that wants to be fit rather than someone who is fit.
2. You fail to make outcome-based decisions. Your weight is a result. Your health is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect. Doing what you have been doing has gotten you the body you have today. If you are happy, keep doing what you are doing. If you are not entirely happy, you must change WHAT you are doing if you are to ever produce a different result. Make outcome-based decisions. Your weight is a result. Your health is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect. Doing what you have been doing has gotten you the body you have today. If you are happy, keep doing what you are doing. If you are not entirely happy and want a better body, you must change WHAT you are doing if you are to ever produce a different result.
3. You neglect to control your insulin and blood sugar levels - 2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come off. If you’re eating processed foods at fast food restaurants, you’re guaranteed to elevate your insulin and blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends a loud and unwanted message, “Store fat!” Once this happens, you won’t make any fat loss progress. Your fitness program should see you avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box. In addition, avoid eating excessive amounts of carbohydrate at any meal.
4. You are a slave to the scale. When it comes to building a better body, it’s not a numbers game. Don’t base your happiness on numbers. Too many people are way too happy when they lose a pound or an inch, and way too sad when they don’t.
5. You train for the weekend. Health and fitness is not a 12-week program. Too many people spend their time getting in shape for events: summer, birthdays, vacations and other special occasions. Extend your time perspective; getting in shape is more about the next few decades then it is about the next few weeks. Get in shape and lose fat for life not just an event!
6. You “go on” diets. When someone” goes on” a diet, the underlying assumption is that it they will eventually “go off” the diet. It’s the primary reason that most diets fail. Health and fitness isn’t about temporary deprivation; unless you approach yours from a “lifestyle” and “habits” perspective you are missing the boat Gilligan!
7. You train like it’s the 80’s. Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn’t mean ineffective fat loss methods from the 80’s like light weights, low intensity steady state cardio, moderate-intensity aerobics classes, and endless low-intensity ab work should also make a comeback. Neither should spandex, big hair, or Michael Bolton for that matter. Stick to compound, multi-joint exercises, including presses, rows, dips, chins, squats, and yes, lunges for efficient and effective better body changing fat loss routines.
8. Your fat loss program never changes. If it didn’t work last week, it’s not going to work this week, or next week. You should change your fat loss program every 3-4 weeks for the best results. Even the best fat loss programs stop working eventually. When variety is introduced systematically into your fat loss program, the body will make better progress. Creating a “fitness habit” is a matter of repetition and delayed reward. You cannot achieve a better body or lasting behavioral change if your effort is inconsistently applied or your efforts produce insufficient rewards.
9. You think you already know. There’s an undeniable relationship between attitude and outcome. A bad attitude will always produce a bad outcome for your fat loss program. If your fat loss training is perfect, your fat loss nutrition is perfect and your fat loss supplementation is perfect and you still aren’t losing fat – it’s likely that you are suffering from constipation! Getting in shape and losing fat is more about YOU, and your attitude, commitment and self-control than it is about finding the right gym, fat loss program, miracle-pill, or super-diet. Be open to learning what you don’t know, and you’ll make your breaks towards a better body.
10. You fail to take ACTION. Things will get worse before they get better if you do nothing. Each day, you must strive to close the gap between what you are doing and that which you are capable. Do this and you will not only well on your way to losing fat and building a better body, but you’ll also be well on your way to becoming a better person.
Dale Andrew, M.A. is a fitness professional, author, and speaker. He is the fat loss expert busy professionals worldwide turn to for advice on how to build a better body - FAST. To get your copy of his free e-book 64 Must-Have Fitness Tips, visit www.better-body-tips.com.
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