As the waistline of America continues to grow at an epidemic rate, we are faced with a growing number of health concerns related to our accumulation of body fat.
Typical in a free-market economy, there are growing numbers of marketers ready and willing to provide you with the magic bullet that will cure your weight problem quickly and easily, for “only 3 easy payments” of course.
Let’s cut through the some of the market driven BS around Fat Loss and look at a few methods that just plain work. No purchase required.
Pay Attention
Regardless of public perception, or what you would like to believe, you gain weight because you eat too much. You could eat the healthiest foods in the world, but if you eat more than your body can use, you WILL gain weight.
Before you start worrying about the quality of the foods you eat, you need to pay close attention to everything you put in your mouth. A great deal of weight gain is simply a result of mindlessly munching away at whatever food happens to be in front of you. This is even more prevalent when you are doing other things, like socializing or watching TV.
Whole Foods
Whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain more of the nutrients your body needs packaged in the way that they can be best utilized. These foods are also considerably more bulky than the processed alternatives, meaning you can eat a larger volume of food for fewer calories
It’s a lot easier to control you’re portions when you eat more nutritious foods. Your body gets what it needs and you’ll feel satisfied faster.
Most Americans live in a state of mild dehydration. This is a bad thing. As it effects the way all of your body’s systems work together, including the processing of food. In many cases you will feel hungry as your body is telling you to eat in hopes that it can find more water from your food.
Drink pure, clean water every 15 minutes throughout your day. You will easily exceed the 8 recommended glasses a day, your body will function better, and you will eat less.
Get up, get out of your chair and move yourself more often. Every time move, your body uses energy or calories. Your body gets energy (calories) from food and stores the excess primarily as fat. Therefore, the more you move, the more of the energy you take in will be used.
Get up at least once every hour and walk around for 5 minutes or better yet, pick your favorite exercise from the STOP WORKING OUT! Program and do a set or two. You will find that you feel better throughout the day, you’ll avoid that tired afternoon “crash” and before you know it you’ll even be losing fat.
Build Some Muscle
Did you know that an extra pound of muscle added to your body will burn an extra 50 calories per day?
If you did nothing other than add 5 pounds of new muscle to your body, you could lose a pound of fat every 2 weeks. That’s 26 pounds of ugly, nasty fat you would lose in a year without dieting!
If there is a “miracle” formula, this is it!
You’ll get stronger, move better, have more energy, sleep better, and your aches and pains will feel better. And, that’s just for starters.
We’re not talking about becoming a body builder, or spending your life in the gym. I’m talking about a small change that will make a HUGE difference in your life over time. Just go out and gain some muscle.
You’re probably thinking, “how do I do that?”
First, make it a priority. Start thinking about gaining muscle.
Next, find a program of progressive resistance training that looks like something you can do. You can hire a trainer if that makes you more comfortable. Or, you can find a self guided program that you can do at home or at the gym, similar to the program outlined in STOP WORKING OUT!
Whatever you do commit to it and make it work for YOU. It really is that easy.
Author of the best selling fitness book "STOP WORKING OUT!" and the 100% successful "STOP DIETING!" nutrition program, Travis Speegle has been delivering simple, effective solutions to complex fitness, business and personal performance challenges for over 17 years. Discover the secrets to unlock your unlimited success at
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