You Are What You Eat-But You Knew That, Right? Your eating habits - what you eat, when you eat, and how you eat - has a dramatic affect on how your body ages. Makes sense, right? The nutrients you get from the foods you eat are the building blocks for every cell in your body. Because your body's cells are constantly being replaced, it is important to continually fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that provide the raw materials for optimal health and wellness.
6 Ways To Eat For Prolonged Youthfulness:
Eat Whole, Natural, Unrefined Foods
Time is precious in today's fast-paced society! Finding convenient ways of doing just about everything is a priority for consumers. Unfortunately, convenient ways of eating are rarely the healthiest approach. Highly processed foods contain less nutritional value and more substances the body doesn't need such as additives, preservatives, hormones, fungicides, pesticides, and unusually large amount of salt - all of which can contribute to degenerative biological processes. Instead, choose foods that you can (theoretically) pick, grow, gather, fish or hunt.
Eat Raw, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables More Often
Fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organically grown, can contribute a great deal to your health. These nutrient rich foods add vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your diet. They also help rebuild your body's tissues more quickly, especially for physically active people. Unfortunately, today's supply of fruits and vegetable contain far few nutrients than in previous years due to processing and preparation methods that deplete the nutrients from these foods. To combat this, I suggest choosing organic foods whenever possible and supplementing your diet with a high-potency multi-vitamin mineral supplement.
Drink Clean Fresh Water
Even mild dehydration can disrupt vital cell functions, and considering the fact that most people are mildly (or severely) dehydrated all day long every day of the week, it is safe to conclude that proper hydration is probably one of the easiest ways to slow premature aging. Aim to drink at least 8-12 glasses of pure, filtered water every day. That may seem like a daunting task but if you make it a goal to drink just ½ a glass of water every waking hour, you can easily get at least 8 glasses per day. It just takes planning!
Graze During The Days
You've heard it before - eat 5-6 small meals per day instead of saving up for 1-2 big meals. This grazing approach helps to stabilize your blood sugar, which in turn contributes to greater hormonal balance. When you skip meals, on the other hand, your body thinks it is in starvation mode, and begins to shut down and conserve calories as fat for a rainy day. You want your body building itself up, not breaking down!
Get Lean On Protein
Your body is made up of mostly protein, so it only makes sense to include a source of lean protein in every meal or snack you eat. Protein stimulates a hormonal response in the body that stabilizes blood sugar and contributes to hormonal balance. Simply fill 1/3 of your plate with quality protein such as egg whites, fresh fish, legumes, soy products, and lean cuts of meat. When choosing your protein source, try to avoid products that contain chemicals, preservatives, additives or hormones.
Go Nuts With Healthy Fats
Not all fats are created equal! Saturated fats, trans fats, and hydrogenated fats are the ones you want to avoid. On the other hand, healthy Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) contribute to greater well-being and can also help reverse some of the symptoms of accelerated premature aging. Healthy EFAs can be acquired from dietary sources or from quality supplements. Dietary sources of healthy fats include nuts, fish, fish oil, flax seed, avocadoes, and olive oil.
Follow these basic principles of healthy eating you will see and feel the difference in the way your body ages.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dan Cardoza is a fitness & nutrition expert in Toronto Canada who specializes in creating custom programs designed for your unique metabolism, body type and personal goals. Visit Dan today at and be sure to request your FREE BODY BALANCE INSIDERS REPORT.
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