Before you make another NEW YEARS RESOLUTION READ THIS! I woke up one morning with this on my mind! Artery clogging, fatty, greasy, sugary foods...Oh My! I see more and more obese people today than ever before. I asked myself, how did they get so fat?
My wife and I were walking through the mall and I started to count the amount of overweight people in my head. Then I told her: something is wrong with this picture. There are so many teenagers that are overweight and obese. Why is this happening, and why aren't the parents doing something about it? If the parents new what to do maybe we could put a stop to this madness.
The foods that we eat today are so contaminated with pesticides, germicides, and genetic hormones. These animals are injected with this stuff to make them grow faster and bigger and we eat them. Remember we are what we eat, that's one reason why our children are so fat. No wonder we are seeing more and more mad-cow disease and chickens that are contaminated and deformed.
Do you ever wonder why we are the fattest country in the world. Ever wonder why the children of today are fatter then ever? Ever wonder why so many people are dying from cancer? ... And just where is this cancer coming from? Have you ever walked through a mall or shopping center and counted how many people are overweight?
Why is it that a well known shopping center now has 7 seven different fast food restaurants and drive-through windows on the outside of the shopping center? Inside there is a huge food court and a liquor store all in one area. Why is it that most people can't go past them without stopping at least one of them to get some artery clogging fatty, greasy, sugary foods?
I'll tell you why, 'have you ever ate something that sparked a trigger in your brain or aroused your taste buds and you just had to have some more, and most likely you did' Every time you come back to that shopping center or mall you smell that greasy smell in the air that drives you to it.
Most people are addicted to the sugar, fat and carbohydrates or all three. Did you know that sugar preserves French-fries until it's ready to be cooked in fat? Did you know the burgers (cows) have been injected with some type of hormone and put through the mill before it ever touches your lips? Have you ever seen what they do to chickens before they get to the deep fryer?
I could go on and on but I'll stop here...sugar, fat and bad carbs are additive, that's why you can't eat just one. That's why you crave them so much and that's why we are the fattest country in the world. Some of us try to eat healthy, but most of the food we eat has been tainted with some kind of pesticides or hormones. We don't even know it unless you do the research to find out.
The government plays a major role in covering up or just don't tell us the truth about certain foods. If they did they would probably lose money. Just look at the TV commercials, instead of showing the stuff that can heel and cure a disease they show stuff that can cover up the disease temporary and may cause side effects. Have you ever read the very small print on the commercial? Well how could you anyway, it's so small you can't read it!
So what's a person to do? ... Read labels, read books, look at informational DVD's that you don't hear to much about, get information from your personal trainer, your coach, your chiropractor and your holistic doctor. Also do your part and exercise, eat right ... and stay out of the malls. You'll save money and you'll be less tempted to eat that artery clogging, fatty, greasy, sugary foods !Oh My!
Here's a few things you need to do.
Stay away from artery clogging, fatty, greasy, sugary foods! Exercise at least three days per week and drink plenty of water.
And remember this ... Diets Don't Work, however there is one diet that does and it's been around for centuries, it's called the Bible Diet or plain old Biblical Nutrition. Modern science is now uncovering a host of health-building factors in seeds (and pits).
Here's a list of food categories defined as Bible foods:
What's missing from this list is any form of animal products. Also missing are food additives, artificial preservatives, colorants, fungicides, mold inhibitors, extenders and artificial flavorings. This is the usual stuff we eat every single day of our lives.
Kenneth Reed is a AAAI-ISMA Certified Personal Trainer, Author of the book Entitled ?Which Strengthens Me Founder and Owner of Fit For Life Personal Training Center 9006 Liberty Road - Randallstown, MD Office Visit me on the web at: or
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