Aah, the sadness when you slip on a pair of shorts and the mirror hits you like a freight train. You turn to show you’re best angle and , WHAM! You see cellulite for the first time. It’s a rough reality I know, but let’s find out why we get cellulite.
In reference The American Journal of Dermatopathology cellulite results from the fat cell chamber structure located below the skin’s dermal layer. Women have a gridlike fat cell pattern overlaying the lower layers of fat. When we sit down or get excess fat, the lower fat is pushed through the upper gridlike layer, giving the skin a lumpy appearance. Otherwise known as the fabled “cottage cheese” look. Yummy!
All cellulite is a result of this criss-cross pattern, but not all cellulite is the same. According to Dr. Len Kravitz as quoted in Oxygen magazine “There are two types of this lumpy fat that resides primarily in our buns and hips”.
The first called “status protrusus cutis is formed from a pinch or compression of the buttocks or thighs and the compression of the underlying fat cell chambers”. This is best displayed when you see the dimpling when sitting with you’re legs crossed over. The good news this is the least serious of the forms of cellulite. Meaning, you can change it much more easily then previously thought.
The second form of cellulite is called dermo-panniculosis derformans. No, I am not making this name up it just seems like it. This unfortunately is the orange peel looking cellulite that is noticeable at any time, standing or sitting. This is a more severe form of cellulite because the fat cells are protruding through the dermis so much that they are always visible. Not good.
Ok, now that we know what types of cellulite we can have. Let’s explore some solutions to this problem. The solution for dermo-panniculosis derformans is to begin a weight loss program that will be adhered to for at least 6 month’s. That will be enough time to lose some weight and have your cell structures become used to not having the “need” to hold onto it’s fat storage.
The goal here is to reduce the size of the fat cells in the body because we cannot get rid of them altogether. You’re body is primed to release the fat stored in its’ cells in a consistant manner. Taking a Supplement with Omega 3 fatty acids will allow you’re body the chemicals, or “good fats” it needs to then shed the bad fat which cellulite comes from.
It goes without saying that exercises like squats, and lunges of repetitions 8 or less should be incorporated into you’re workouts. In this case you want heavy weights and low reps to really “build” muscle in the buns to fight off that cellulite and fat. Adding 5 pounds of lean muscle will go a long way in increasing the metabolism and making it easier to keep bodyfat and weight off the body. Plus it will really tone and shape the female figure to a more toned, sexy looking appearance.
The cellulite Status protrusus cutis is a little bit different fish to fry. With this type (remember visible when pressed or pinched) hydration is the key. Water not only helps with digestion, it helps your skin cells and consequently cellulite. So think at least 75 ounces of water a day. In addition, receiving lymphatic massages will also help this type of cellulite.
So there you have it. A more detailed explanation of what cellulite is instead of hearing the “you have cottage cheese thighs” that everyone hates. Now that you are armed with how to conquer cellulite let’s hear about victory. Take on more lunges with weights and start drinking plenty of water. Get to work because we want to hear about you’re success story!
Timothy Kret is the owner of Bodylines Fitness in San Diego, CA. He works with clients that want no gimmicks, games, or hassels, only answers and results. Find out why at www.bodylinesfitness.com
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