Most people understand that proper nutrition is very important if you want to achieve ideal health and fitness. What many people don't understand is what constitutes "proper nutrition".
We all need each of the three macronutrients fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition we all need micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals plus the basic necessity of water. However, did you know that we all don't need the same ratio of macronutrients or the same form of micronutrients? Let me explain what I mean by this.
For genetic reasons, we're all very different in the way that our bodies process foods and utilize nutrients. Throughout mankind's evolutionary history, people all over the world have been forced to adapt to widely varying environmental circumstances, including very different climates and food supplies (nutrition).
We all need a full spectrum of nutrients. But different people have genetically programmed requirements for different amounts of the various nutrients. It is these differing genetic requirements that explain why a given nutrient causes one person to feel good, has no effect on another, and causes a third person to feel poorly.
Taking in the proper nutrients at the right time in a form that's bioavailable to your body results in good health. That is how I like to define proper nutrition. On the other hand, if you don't supply your body with the nutrients it needs at the time it needs them and in the form it can use, the result is system wide problems (excessive weight, cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases). Poor nutrition results in poor health.
Everything you take in through eating or drinking gets broken down to be used by your cells -it's literally fuel for your body. It's the same thing as putting gas in your car. You need the right type of fuel for your car to run well.
Likewise, your nutrition needs to be the right fuel for your body to run well. If you take in incorrect fuel, your cells won't be able to use it and they won't run well. Since cells make up every tissue in your body (organs, muscles, nerves, etc.), if they aren't functioning properly then you can't expect your body to function properly.
Before I discuss the different "fuel" mixes let me touch on one common element that applies to everyone's nutrition. That is, everyone needs to eat as much unprocessed food as possible. In other words food that is in its natural state fresh fruit and vegetables; meat and fish that aren't canned or preserved; unsalted, raw nuts and grains; cheese, dairy and breads without preservatives and additives.
The sad fact is much of the North American diet contains too much CRAP (Carbohydrates, Refined sugars, Additives and Preservatives). Food that has been overly manufactured or processed has lost much of its nutrient content and has many artificial additives. Aim to eat organic and non-GMO (genetically modified) fruit and vegetables. Buy grass-fed or free range meat and poultry as well as wild fish.
Properly grown food has the best nutrient content for your body. It is in a form that is most available to your body without any harmful chemicals or drugs. An added benefit is that this food is also good for the environment. Foods grown organically and meat products raised by grazing have been shown to be the most sustainable methods of farming.
In Part II of this article I'll tell you about the different fuel mixes and how to determine which nutrition strategy is best for you.
Curb Ivanic has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, holds the highest level certifications from the NSCA and NASM and is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 1. His company Ultra Fitness has helped hundreds of clients in Vancouver, BC to reach their health & fitness goals. Contact him at
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