In Part I, I explained the common element that applies to everyone's nutrition is to make unprocessed foods a majority of your diet. In Part II you'll learn about your metabolism and how to determine what "proper nutrition" is for you.
First let's delve a little deeper into what happens when we eat and why nutrition is so important.
We all need each of the macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) and various micronutrients (vitamins and minerals, etc.) to live. However due to genetic reasons we all respond differently to the way we process food and the way our bodies utilize nutrients.
Most people have heard the term "metabolism". Your metabolism is simply the sum of all the chemical and biological activities your body needs to perform in order to support life.
Nutrition is essential because it provides the fuel that is oxidized (burned) in our cells to provide energy for all metabolic activities. The raw materials in our foods (macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.) are particularly important since they're used to repair, rebuild and heal tissue.
Your metabolism operates on the cellular level. As food passes through the digestive tract it is absorbed into the bloodstream where it is transported to the cells. Once nutrients arrive at the cell they are taken into the cell and used to produce energy and to carry out the role that particular cell was programmed to do.
Every biochemical process in your body is dependent on the amount of energy available, the quality of that energy and how quickly that energy gets to your cells. In other words, you're dependent on the amount of fuel you put in, the quality of that fuel and how quickly your fuel gets to your cells.
Did you know that your cells are genetically programmed to take in a specific fuel mix? If your nutrition isn't providing the right fuel, your cells simply can't do a good job of burning the fuel. They cannot convert the food and nutrients you eat into energy. Whatever fuel cannot get burned gets stored as fat instead.
This is the reason why some people stay slim and energized on various kinds of high-protein, higher fat diets while other people feel sluggish and gain weight by eating this way. Conversely, some people are able to stay trim and fit on low-protein, low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, while these same diets cause others to pack on the pounds and be chronically fatigued.
So how do you determine proper nutrition for yourself? The answer is Metabolic Typing. Metabolic Typing is a technology that allows you to determine what your nutritional needs are and how to best attain them. You can do Metabolic Typing in a number of ways.
Carbo types should consume approximately 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fat. Mixed types should consume about 45% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 25% fat. And Protein types need about 30% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 30% fat.
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A Metabolic Type appropriate diet will help you maximize your energy; lose weight naturally & maintain your ideal weight; achieve peak athletic performance; stabilize your appetite & curb your cravings; strengthen your immunity; improve your moods & mental clarity; slow down the aging process and put an end to the confusion about what nutrition strategy is right for YOU.
You don't need the same nutrition as your neighbor. But when you have the right fuel in your nutrition, you have optimum energy and therefore optimum functioning of your body. Proper nutrition makes your body balanced and efficient and you have good health.
Curb Ivanic has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, holds the highest level certifications from the NSCA and NASM and is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 1. His company Ultra Fitness has helped hundreds of clients in Vancouver, BC to reach their health & fitness goals. Contact him at
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