Scientific Research Proves That Eat Stop Exercise Will Help You Lose Weight, Burn Stubborn Body Fat, and Naturally Boost Growth Hormone - All While Preserving Your Lean Muscle and Metabolism
Discover why one simple change to the way you eat and exercise will make you forget about every other super-complicated weight loss, diet, and exercise program
"This Article will question everything you've ever been told about eating and exercising for body fat loss. Natalie's FREE Article turns the industry upside down and shows you how to eat normally, while making one slight, easy change that could be the missing link in your body fat loss, exercise, and nutrition program."
Are you ready to improve your body, your health and your life?
Then Let's Get Going...
Dear friend,
If you've found this site then you are probably looking for a great weight loss and body fat burning program and may have already heard about Eat Stop Exercise. Most likely, you've read about Eat Stop Exercise somewhere on the internet and are curious about what this Report and E-book is all about and who wrote it.
Well let me be right up front with you, My name is Natalie Pyles and I wrote Eat Stop Exercise to help people understand the amazing weight loss and exercise results they can get by using a simple combination of flexible periods of intermittent fasting and weight training.
Now, I know what you are thinking, 'Did he just say fasting?'. Yes, Fasting. But, before you read any further, let me assure you, with Eat Stop Exercise, your metabolism will not slow down, you will not lose muscle, your workouts will not suffer, and you will not become a ravenous eating machine.
You will simply lose weight, quicker and easier than ever before.
I understand this may seem a little confusing, after all everyone has heard of things like 'starvation mode', and the benefits of eating multiple small meals during the day.
So how can so many people be raving about the Eat Stop Exercise program if it involves short periods of intermittent fasting? Wouldn't they all just go into starvation mode and stop losing weight?
In reality, many of these so called "diet and exercise truths" are actually incorrect. They are all based on the principle that you must keep eating to lose weight. This idea has never made any sense to me, yet the diet industry keeps on trying to convince you that in order to lose weight you must keep eating!
There are literally billions of dollars being spent every year on weight loss, diet, and exercise books It seems like a new book comes out everyday telling you what you need to eat and how to exercise to start losing weight.
I'll be the first to admit that many of these programs will work, at least for the first month or two (as long as you are restricting your calories and constantly exercising), but none of them can promise long-lasting weight loss. They are simply too restrictive, too complicated and let's face it, some of these diets can consume your life. You can spend your entire day planning and preparing your meals!
Trust me, if you want to lose weight this sort of obsessive compulsive eating is simply not needed. Eat Stop Exercise outlines the real reasons behind why people are successful at losing weight and burning body fat without following some ridiculously difficult weight loss and exercise program.
In fact, I created Eat Stop Exercise to be an "ANTI-DIET" for people that are sick and tired of trying to measure out and eat 6 small meals per day. If you are frustrated and overwhelmed by trying to follow the rules of "bodybuilder style nutrition", then Eat Stop Exercise is for you.
Did you know?
~Short-term fasting does not decrease fat burning enzymes. In fact, scientific research Clearly shows that the exact opposite happens - Short-term Fasting increases the activity of fat burning enzymes.~
You see, I have spent my life studying nutrition, exercise, and weight loss, and I have taken a very unusual path that ultimately led me to writing Eat Stop Exercise.
For starters, I have an honors degree in nutrition sciences and nursing. So I understand the classic academic approach to how we should eat. I spent four years of university studying all of the typical 'eat less calories than you burn' type of stuff you need to know to become a dietitian.
Now here's were it gets interesting, right after university, instead of becoming a naturopathec doctor, I started working in the weight loss industry. From managing & Owning 2 very successful sports nutrition stores to consulting start up companies, manufacturers and top fitness companies, I have seen the inner working of the industry that only a privileged few have ever seen.
Sure, a lot of people like to talk about supplements, but how many have actually helped design some of the most popular products on the market? You can talk all you want, but until you have actually worked on the inside, you really have no idea how the weight loss and supplement industry works.
During my time in the industry part of my responsibilities included traveling the world learning about potential cures for obesity (weight loss supplements are big money, so the first company to come out with a new ingredient that actually worked would be making billions).
From China, Germany, Scotland, England and all over North America, I have had the privilege of meeting some of the world's greatest minds in nutrition, exercise and weight loss.
Not only have I been lucky enough to travel the world but I have also had unlimited access to state of the art exercise physiology equipment, the kind of equipment that would make many University laboratories green with envy.
With this equipment I was able to conduct multiple body composition tests on numerous athletes and top level bodybuilders and monitor them while they dieted and tried new experimental weight loss programs.
We're talking cutting edge stuff.
In fact, it was these experiments that ultimately led me to leave the industry and pursue graduate studies in human biology and nutritional sciences.
Many of the experiments I conducted had results that were VERY different from what I expected, and I soon realized that if I were to truly understand nutrition's role in weight loss, then I would have to start from the very beginning and study what happens to the body when it goes without ANY food.
Believe it or not, Eat Stop Exercise is actually all the research from the scientific reviews I completed in top notch schooling.
That's right, my research was on 'The Metabolic Effects of Short Periods of Fasting in Humans and its Potential Application in Weight Loss', so in essence when you read Eat Stop Exercise what you are really reading is an easy to read version of my experience and education!
I paid over 10,000 dollars to gain this information, and now you are getting it for 333 times less than what I paid!
Aside from being a nutrition and exercise professional, I am also an athlete. I have competed in (and won) NPC Fitness contests and played all types of competitive sports.
In fact, I have been a weight room junkie my whole life. If I believed that Eat Stop Exercise caused you to lose even an ounce of muscle, I would never have published it.
As you can see, my background is pretty unique. How many other people are there in the world, who have worked in research and development for the weight loss supplement industry for almost a decade, left that industry to study the metabolic effects of short periods of fasting, and who are avid weight trainers, and then decided to share this information in the form of a book?
I may very well be the only person in the world with this type of experience, and it is this experience that makes Eat Stop Exercise so unique, and so unlike any other nutrition and exercise book in existence.
Eat Stop Exercise is not about eating certain amounts of food in certain food groups, nor does it push any special 'rules' on you about what you can and can't eat and when and why to exercise. What it does show you is the simplest, easiest way to lose weight with the combination, and all of the science facts that support it.
And here are some of the great benefits that Eat Stop Exercise can offer you:
You don't have to worry about food all day. Eating every three hours, cycling your protein and your carbs, measuring your glycemic index, I don't think any of these things are needed for solid long lasting weight loss. With Eat Stop Exercise you can forget about all of these obsessive compulsive eating & exercise habits.
Your metabolism will not slow down and you will not go into "starvation mode". With Eat Stop Exercise you will clearly see the research behind why short periods of fasting will NEVER cause you to go into starvation mode. Your metabolism will stay just as high as it ever was (In fact, some research suggests it may even go higher!)
You will not get light-headed and cranky! In actuality its a myth that not eating causes you to become cranky or light headed. From my experience it is actually a mental 'addiction' addiction to eating that makes most people get cranky when they don't eat. Eat Stop Exercise can help you to break the 'food addiction' that causes this reaction.
You don't have to avoid going to restaurants with your friends. Eat Stop Exercise is flexible. Spending months hiding from your friends because you are on a restrictive diet is a thing of the past. Now you can enjoy the freedom to live normally (and still lose weight through exercise and sensible eating) with Eat Stop Exercise.
You will save money. Eat Stop Exercise won't ask you to start drinking goat milk or rice milk or any other expensive food that you really don't like. With Eat Stop Exercise you will learn why you don't have to spend any extra money on "special foods, diet pills, and exercise".
You will boost your body fat burning hormones. With Eat Stop Exercise you will reap the benefits of naturally increasing the exact same hormones that celebrities are paying thousands of dollars for in an attempt to stay lean, muscular and young looking.
You will not have to take any weird supplements or eat special foods. Let's face it. A good nutrition and exercise program should not ever have to rely on supplements to help you lose weight.
You will still have great workouts. Think not eating for a couple hours is going to ruin your workout? Think again. You can still have amazing body fat burning and muscle building workouts while following Eat Stop Exercise.
You will not lose ANY of your hard earned muscle. Eat Stop Exercise will show you the scientific facts behind why a lot of what you are told about dieting and muscle loss is nothing more than diet industry scare tactics.
You will lose weight, and this weight will be all body fat. With the Eat Stop Exercise program, weight loss is steady and consistent, and the weight you will lose will be body fat.
You don't have to avoid carbs, or fats. Forget about eating canned tuna and low fat cottage cheese for days on end, and Eat Stop Exercise was designed to work in the real world, so that people can eat real foods.
You don't have to eat mega-doses of protein every day. Do you think you need to eat 50 grams of protein every 2-3 hours so you can gain muscle mass. Think again. With Eat Stop Exercise you'll learn the real truth behind muscle mass and dieting. Goodbye expensive gross protein shakes.
You will not have to take any weird cleansing products or laxatives. Eat Stop Exercise is an advanced intermittent fasting program that is based on real world science. There are no weird potions or laxatives involved.
You can follow the diet you like best. With Eat Stop Exercise you can follow any style of eating you like, after all, Eat Stop Exercise doesn't tell you what you can and can't eat, that's all up to you.
You will be productive. With Eat Stop Exercise, you won't go into a super low productive funk like what happens with some traditional diets. In fact, many people have told me that they are their absolute most productive on their fasting days!
You will have energy. With Eat Stop Exercise you will not feel tired, cranky or lethargic. In fact, I'm guessing you will feel energized and alert.
And most importantly, you will not waste any of your precious time!
Unlike other diet e-books Eat Stop Exercise is not complicated, and it is not hard to understand. It is not full of filler, it is not 300 pages long and it is not 10 pages of diet advice and 200 pages of recipes. What Eat Stop Exercise does have is a simple and effective way to lose body fat that is easier than anything you have ever tried before!
Try it You won't be sorry!
Your Friend In Health & Fitness,
Natalie Pyles
Fitness & Weight-loss Expert, Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, Author,& Speaker
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !
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