Fitness For Busy People - The Corporate Edition
By Jolene Goring
How Anyone Can Improve Their Health Without Going To The Gym
The number one excuse that my clients give me is that they are TOO BUSY to work out! They work 12 hour days in high power jobs, they have a family to take care of, they have excuse after excuse about why they cant take 30 minutes a day for their health.
Instead of trying to force these busy people into a regular routine, which they have all tried and failed numerous times, I work with them on an individual basis to help them sneak fitness into their already jam packed daily routines. After working with many busy people, the largest group that claims they are too busy is Corporate America. Anyone that works in an office, whether it is the president of the company, executives, or the receptionist
the number one excuse they give for not working out is that they are TOO BUSY!
I have put together the 7 most common techniques that have worked for these busy people in Corporate America
. If you make these tips a part of your daily life then you will increase your energy and be more productive in the office! Even if you think you are too busy, these tips will seamlessly fit into your daily schedule!
1. Instead of sending an inter- office email, get up and walk to that persons office. Your body will thank you for the movement, and by visiting someone in person you will increase the rapport you have with them. Studies show that people that fidget burn more calories than those who dont. So it makes sense that the more you are moving (and the less you are sitting), the more calories you will burn!
2. Every 30 minutes, take a break from your computer. Set a timer at first so that you know when 30 minutes is up. Eyestrain and sore backs are common in almost all people in a corporate environment. Focus your eyes on a distant object to reduce eyestrain, and do some back and shoulder stretches while sitting in your chair. Taking 10 seconds every 30 minutes will help your body to reset itself, and make you more productive in the office!
3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If your office is on a really high floor, then take the stairs part way up and then the elevator the rest of the way. This is a great way to start the morning by getting your heart pumping, endorphins flowing, and setting a healthy tone for the day!
4. Keep healthy snacks in your desk. There is nothing worse than being hungry and being surrounded by the office vending machine and snacks in the office kitchen. If you keep healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, and power bars in your desk, then when hunger strikes you will be prepared for it.
5. Keep a water bottle at your desk. Most people dont drink enough water. 8 cups is the recommended minimum. If you always keep a full bottle of water at your desk, you will sip away during the day and likely get your 8 cups of water in without even thinking about it!
6. Instead of going for lunch with your colleagues, go for a walk together instead. Do this at least once a week and you will notice how energized and productive you feel in the afternoon. Getting out of the office and moving your body is a great break both physically and mentally. It also really helps to break up the day.
7. Park farther away from the office. If you normally take the closest spot to the office, park at the far end of the parking lot. Most people, no matter how busy they are, can take the extra 2 minutes to walk across the lot.
Little tips like these will get you going on the right direction to better health and more energy. Once you incorporate these tips into your daily routine, you will find it easier and easier to make more time for fitness, no matter how busy you are. Good luck and enjoy your better health!
About the Author:
Jolene Goring is a leading health and fitness expert based in Scottsdale, AZ. She has been featured in USA Today, on Sonoran Living TV, and has recently been named one of Americas Premier Fitness Experts. She is also a featured personal trainer in various fitness videos, and is a co-author for the exciting new fitness book Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger.
Jolene has been involved in the health and fitness industry for 12 years. She has taught yoga on the beach in Mexico, studied belly dancing in Egypt, traveled the world as a fitness model, taught snowboarding in Canada, and studied yoga in an ashram in India. She has trained with personal trainers and participated in extreme sports worldwide. She has her Bachelor of Science degree, and numerous health, nutrition, and fitness certifications. Jolene is always looking for new challenges, and her next big adventures will be hiking to the base camp of Everest, and learning how to skydive!
Jolene is the Fitness Director of Geo-Fit Personal Training, an exclusive personal training company based in Scottsdale, AZ. Geo-Fit utilizes different fitness techniques from around the world, to provide the most fun, effective, and safest workouts available. Go to for your FREE Celebrity Metabolism Boosters Report!