I wish just once, that during a consultation with a potential new client they would simply say, 'Geoff I want to make my body the best it can be period'. Instead they bring me in covers of magazines begging me to help them look like Kelly Ripa. The names and magazines change but the desperation remains the same and herein lies the problem.
Kelly Ripa has a 70-hour workweek, on top of being a mom and wife. She has a personal trainer 5 days a week, personal chef and endorsements that call for her to look like a carrot so women will be in 'awe' of her thin body, watch her TV shows and buy the magazines she is in.
NEWSFLASH!!! You're not Kelly Ripa so why in the hell would you train, eat and live as she does.
Those of you who think guzzling caffeine and eating every once in awhile (like Kelly R.) "works for you" are delusional. Our bodies are all the same (but respond differently) and were designed to run off carbs fats and proteins not stimulates and a handful of walnuts here and there. Granted some preexisting conditions call for different protocols but geezuz, use some common sense. If Kelly jumped off the Empire state building would you?
Hollywood stars sell sell sell and that's it. Where do you think all the diet fads come from? Iowa? Utah? Get real! If all the diet books had titles like the North Dakota diet would any of you buy it? Hell no! Now doesn't South Beach diet sound a lot sexier? You link South Beach with sexy people and that's why the book and its diet took off.
Quit being sheep and do a little research on your own before you declare Hollywood's 'look at me crowd' healthy and that you and Kelly Ripa are exactly alike.Kelly Ripa has contradicted herself so many times in regards to her exercise and fitness protocol (or should I say lack of a fitness program) I lost track. Yes, part of my job is keeping up with all the Hollywood fads and garbage so I can better educate everyday people (clients and real role models) on how to once and for all become healthy happy and fit.
Contrary to mainstream belief, following Kelly Ripa, Lisa Renna, Jessica Alba, Paris Hilton and Nutrisystems new ?it' fat girl Valerie Bertinelli, is NOT in your best interest if your goal is long-lasting healthy results.
Hollywood is the last place you should be looking for fitness role models. A better place to look is directly in the mirror. We are all just average people with average lives. Hopefully you knock out your day with a smile and don't hurt anybody and in the process, raise some great kids and put a few $$$ in the bank. You don't earn your living in front of cameras and in the pages of "look at how pretty and skinny I am". If you did, then I guarantee each and everyone of you would look exactly how all the stars look and would exhaust every safe and unsafe option in order to do so.
When you work hard at your job, marriage, friendships, and parenting what happens? They become successful ventures. Becoming healthy happy and fit is no different!
Get a healthy life around you and you will be amazed at how easy it is to build a healthy sexy fit body. I don't care if your 16,36,56 or 86. Hitting the weights CORRECTLY, making better decisions at feeding time and moving your ass around, yields results GUARANTEED. . . when you make it a frickin priority!!!
Make YOUR BODY the best IT can!
Geoff Kalmbach is a Fitness Expert, columnist, speaker, and Certified Fitness Professional. Geoff has incorporated health and fitness into thousands of lives all over the world. Sign up for his FREE monthly newsletter at http://www.getfunctionallyfit.com
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