When asked what is the biggest obstacle your clients face when trying to lose weight? Many people expect me to say poor nutrition or inconsistent exercise, but when I say "head trash". I get a very puzzled look. What do I mean by head trash?
The most common form of head trash you may be experiencing is confusion. People are confused by the proliferation of fad diets, pills, powders, and fitness gimmicks. You don't know what works and what doesn't. You don't know what's true, what's myth or misinformation. You're confused!
The billion dollar weight loss industry is taking advantage of people's quest for a silver bullet to successful weight loss. Instead, they have created greater obesity problems.
In fact, you may know in your heart that this stuff is deceptive and often an out right lie. But the mental conditioning provided by an unbelievable amount of commercials, infomercials and other marketing has planted a seed in your head that has you second guessing.
What do I mean?
For example, even if you have started an effective fat loss program with a balanced approach of resistance training, moderate aerobic exercise, and sensible nutrition, you may fall off the wagon because of a fad diets false promises of rapid fat loss. We want it now! So you second guess your current positive efforts, lose focus, become less consistent and "try" the next great thing.
Does this sound familiar? Have you started a sensible exercise and nutrition program, but stopped because you thought the latest diet would be "quicker"?
Let's stop the cycle and clear up the head trash that is stopping you from fitting into those "skinny" jeans in the closet.
First, get educated. Find a resource or Fitness Professional that can tell you why fad diets, pills, and ab machines won't help you lose fat. But instead continue to slow down your metabolism and increase your body's ability to store fat. Don't just take my word for it. You want to also know "how" this takes place.
You also need to know proven and practical methods for losing fat. Not just diet and exercise, but what combinations of exercise and nutrition will improve your success. Not short term fat loss, but long-term-put-a-smile-on-your-face-weight-loss!
You see the key to getting rid of your head trash and creating clarity is knowing why these so call "solutions" don't work. If you have these answers, you can now focus on what you should do and you will no longer second guess your positive efforts.
You also need to understand the "why" behind your exercise and nutrition program. If you know "why" you should do "this" and not "that" then you are much more likely to stick with it.
Just simply taking exercises from a video or following a diet plan is temporary. Educating yourself will again create clarity not confusion and confidence in your efforts which in turn will create consistency. If you can be consistent, you will get results.
Now this may sound like work and yes it does take some effort. But if you do not make this effort, you will continue to fall into the trap of marketing lead misinformation the quick fix.
Lets face it we all know it takes consistent exercise and sensible balanced nutrition to change your body. The problem is many don't know what an effective exercise program and sensible nutrition is. And in some cases they believe they do, but later come to find out they were mislead.
Finally, find someone you have to be accountable to a friend, family member, or personal trainer. Having the education can be great, but not putting it to use is a waste. Schedule a time in the day to workout with your Accountability Partner and get the results you desire.
Pete Piranio is the owner and fitness consultant for Fitness Together in Delafield, Brookfield and Wauwatosa Wisconsin. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Fitness Management and Busness Administration from Carroll College in Waukesha Wisconsin. He is by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
He is also Editor and Publisher of FT Magazine a fitness and lifestyle magazine. He has been an expert contributed to numerous books and publications. Additionally, he is a speaker and consultant to Fitness Professionals throughout the United States. Learn more at www.FitnessTogether.net
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