Everyone accepts that eating good food is essential to good health. People will (and should) pay extra money for higher quality, minimally processed, organics foods whenever possible. Engineered foods (supplements) also are a great value in meeting our nutritional needs that may be overlooked due to mass farming practices that deplete minerals in the soil.
It is also understood that drinking clean water is vital to health. People will (and should) pay extra money to ensure their water is as clean as possible. Throughout history finding water that was safe to drink has been a principle challenge in every society.
Those among us today who chose to spend extra money on doodads first and don’t value their food and water will ultimately find that their health suffers...period.
However, there is an even greater nutritional need than food or water for every person who lives in today’s chemically stressed world…
The obvious (and oblivious) truth
You can survive weeks without food, days without water, and only minutes with air! Why? Your body needs oxygen continuously to live.
Oxygen is by far the most critical nutrient we need. It is so taken for granted it is often overlooked. Oxygen is the most critical nutrient we need. Hold your breath for 30 seconds if you don’t believe me and ask yourself the following questions:
Am I hungry?
Am I thirsty?
Am I happy?
Am I lonely?
Am I rich enough?
Does this dress make my butt look fat?
And if you are a guy-
Why am I wearing this dress…it doesn’t match my high heel shoes! Ha ha ha! Who says health talk has to be boring?
Let me tell you, the answers could be yes or no, but real quick you will find out it doesn’t matter either way. None of that matters for anything when you are suffocating!
So if you need oxygen sooo bad, why is that? What does it do? In layman’s terms oxygen does three things in the body:
1. Oxygen is the middleman governing all metabolic reactions on a cellular level. This is why if you hold your breath for any length of time your body will force you to stop.
2. Oxygen is the garbage man of the body. All normal metabolic waste is excreted from the body in oxide compounds.
3. Oxygen is natural bacteria, virus, and fungus fighter. Hydrogen Peroxide (water with an extra molecule of oxygen attached) liberates active oxygen to disinfect wounds on the skin for instance.
You need oxygen baby, and you need it bad…all the time. Here is the problem:
Due to pollution, there is less of it in the air than there was say, even 200 years ago. In fact, on average, the oxygen content in the air is about 2/3 what it was. Scientists have been able to verify this by drilling into ice cores at the poles and extracting bubbles of air from hundreds, even thousands of years ago. Yes you read that correctly. You are living on 2/3 the oxygen you need.
In some locales it can be much worse. The air quality problems and related health issues in China due to massive economic growth and are well documented. On the home front, the community near the Port of Los Angeles in Long Beach is documented to suffer from higher rates of many diseases. You think it’s a coincidence? Really? That’s great; by the way, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas that would make a great investment for you…
So what happens when you take away 33% (or more) of the oxygen you need to thrive, much less survive? It’s not rocket science. You metabolism suffers, your body begins to stockpile its own trash, and that creates a breeding ground for germs and all the icky stuff. Now, will that create disease? Not by itself maybe, but it will make you more susceptible to disease, because you immune system breaks down from the strain.
So what do you do? How can you make up the chronic oxygen deficit that virtually all of us live with?
Pay attention, because I am going to offer you three ways to just that!
1. Active Oxygen Supplements. I know, some of you will say, “You’re kidding right? Why should I spend money on oxygen when I can get it free from the air?” Remember what I said earlier: Every breath you take only delivers 2/3 the oxygen you need. The oxygen bars that were popular in Los Angeles a few years ago were a valid idea. Yeah, maybe a little to trendy, but hey, that’s LA. Plus, Los Angeles, is perennially in the top 10 US metro areas with bad air!
2. Oxygenating colon cleansers. Yep, that’s right, we are going to talk about that thing that everybody does, everybody knows it, and nobody wants to admit to it. But it’s no big deal. It’s part of the circle of life. I am referring of course to…pooping! Actually, it’s a really big deal and here is why. You have 4 major channels of elimination in your body: your lungs, your skin, your bladder, and, of course, your bowels. Guess which one is the first to clog up when you don’t have enough oxygen to eliminate waste?
Here is a hint. Ex Lax, Dulco Lax, Seno Sol, i.e. your bowels! Many in the alternative health field correctly recognize that healthy bowels are key for good health. Oxygenating colon cleansers are in my experience THE BEST, supplements available to achieve this, bar none.
3. The Oxygen Bath. You can oxygenate and rejuvenate with a ½ tub of hot water, some hydrogen peroxide from the grocery store, and a rubber ducky. Well, you don’t really need the rubber ducky, but if it helps you stay in the tub for 30 minutes it will help. Don’t put your face in the tub though because peroxide and eyeballs don’t mix.
Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to invest a little time and a little money into oxygenating your body and put it to the test. Don’t believe me. Try it and see for yourself. Now in this article I have not given you specific recommendations or brands because I don’t want to make a shameless plug to any one product.
Go to www.LiveFitLa.com and download my oxygen checklist from the free stuff page. I will give you a list of the products I personally use, how I do it, and the due diligence resources to check out. No, I am not trying to sell you anything. At the time of this writing I have no vested interest in any oxygenating products. But I do have a vested interest in offering you valuable information and earning your trust. I am not exaggerating when I say here that this information is among the most valuable I can offer you regarding health. So the bottom line is…don’t dismiss this dummy!
It’s nothing new; oxygenating for health has been in use for over 100 years. However, I remain amazed at how few people in the U.S. have even heard of it. I have investigated it, performed my due diligence, and tested it to see for myself. It works, and it’s nothing magical. But as long as people remain unaware of it, they can’t test it and decide for themselves. That is a crime. I My favorite book on the subject is Flood Your Body With Oxygen by Ed McCabe.
Now it’s a long read, 600 pages, and I have mine highlighted throughout. Why did I do that? I have no friends, so I have more free time that you have. I thought you would have figured that out by now! Actually, I was so floored by the great results when I tried this stuff I felt compelled to find out why this stuff was so superior to anything else I had come across.
My point is that I am not writing this to sell you oxygenating protocols. It’s not my business if you believe it or not. In fact, I would much prefer that you don’t accept what I am telling you and instead invest some time into it to decide for yourself. If you do perhaps you will conclude what I have; that oxygenating protocols stand alone at the very top of the list of things you can do to improve and maintain your wellbeing.
Mario Hostios is a certified personal trainer in Los Angeles, Ca. To get more Mario, free ebooks, and audio, go to www.livefitla.com.
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