Body fat. We all have it. We all don't want it. But we all have trouble getting rid of it. So how do you optimize your fat burning potential? I will tell you 4 ways to optimize your fat burning.
I first want to start talking about the ugly stuff - body fat. Body fat is a form of energy. That's it. It's there on your body screaming for it to be used up. Most Americans don't get enough exercise and eat a proper diet to facilitate this. Therefore it builds up and accumulates in the stomach, butt, legs, arms, neck, and all the other places on your body.
Our bodies see body fat as the second source of energy. Glycogen, or carbohydrates, is the body's first form. When you get up off the couch to go to the fridge, the body is using glycogen. But if you were to burn through all of your initial energy stores, then and only then will the body start to tap into the fat energy. Obviously getting up off the couch will not do this effectively.
In order to optimize fat burning you will first need to start a weight resistance program. Lifting with weights three times per week for 30-45 minutes will be a great start. Doing this will build lean muscle tissue which is what your body needs to raise the metabolism and burn more calories.
Secondly, you will need to begin cardiovascular exercise. I do not want you to just get on a treadmill and read a magazine for one hour. This is counterproductive to the fat burning process and will be a waste of time. To fully optimize your fat burning potential you should be doing 20-30 minutes of high intensity interval training. After a 5 minute warm-up, training at high intensities, 90%, followed by training at medium to high intensities, 60-70%, will burn the most fat and also boost your metabolism. This combined with weight resistance training will optimize your fat burning potential and give you a lean and toned physique.
Next is nutrition. You can exercise 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, but if you don't have a solid foundation of nutrition, then you will never optimize your fat burning potential.
In order to boost the metabolism and optimize your fat burning, start by eating five to six smaller meals throughout the day. Each of these meals should include a balance of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, and fresh fruits and vegetables. This sounds like a lot but can easily be done given the right plan to follow. Plus, there are certain supplements that can fill voids within your nutrition.
Lastly make sure you drink plenty of water. Shoot for one ounce for every two pounds of body weight. Keeping a water bottle with you all day and filling it up as it empties is a tip I like to follow.
There you have it. I have given you four ways to optimize your fat burning potential. Because you do have the potential to burn every pound of fat off of your body!
Tim Chudy, St. Louis' Top Fitness Expert, speaks and writes on a variety of health and fitness topics. He is owner of Fitness Together, a private personal training studio in St. Louis, MO. You can contact him by
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