Are you struggling to lose body fat and achieve a lean, fit body? Maybe you've tried some of the diets and weight loss products on the market only to end up right back where you started within a relatively short period of time? If so, it's not your fault! Most diets and weight-loss centers use methods that are so out of sync with physiology and nutritional science that 95% of people who lose some weight will regain all of the body fat (usually with a few extra pounds) within a short period of time. But what about exercise? Here's another interesting statistic for you? The International Health & Fitness Organization completed a survey that found that 75% of people who exercise are not getting the results they want either. But of the 25% of people who are getting results, 90% of them are consulting with a Personal Trainer! Personal Trainers are in the business of helping people get results. An experienced fitness trainer understands that there truly is no quick, effortless way to lose weight and will never put you on a "crash" (and burn) diet or fitness program that will work against your body in the long-run. A good trainer should be able to help you set up your fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle for success and keep you moving in a straight path towards your ultimate goal.
It is my passion and purpose in life to help others become the best they can be. I am an experienced Personal Trainer who has seen it all, tried it all, and sifted through the lies, the scams, and the mediocre to discover what actually does work for myself and for others. In this Free Report, you will receive some of these strategies and practical ideas to help you get started on a Total Transformation of your own. Although creating an attractive, fit, lean, healthy and energetic body requires some effort, the process can become an exciting and rewarding journey? Enjoy!
Fat Loss Strategy #1: Mindset Matters!
Too many people begin a fat loss program with an unhealthy mindset. Things like expecting quick and easy results, or having an "all or nothing" diet mentality, will work against you and make it impossible to ever achieve your best body. Oprah said it best when she recently admitted that "Getting my lifelong weight struggle under control has come from a process of learning to treat myself as well as I treat others in every way." Changing the way you eat or exercising regularly should not be about self-deprivation or punishment because you have a few pounds to lose. If you truly value and appreciate one of your most special gifts "your body" you will do your best to take care of it. You will avoid all of the desperate and unhealthy ways people try to lose weight (crash diets, dangerous "fat burner" supplements, the latest exercise gadget on the shopping channel that promises ripped abs in return for just minutes a day). Instead you will make an effort to eat the healthiest foods, exercise regularly, and take care of yourself in other ways too. The end result? An increasingly beautiful, fit, energetic, and healthy body that you will be able to maintain for life.
Putting it into Action:
What is it that makes you special and unique? List 10 of your best qualities. Then, rather than focusing on the things you don't like about your body or your appearance, list at least 5 things that you like! While you are working to establish a new nutrition and exercise program, hide your scale. Take time to appreciate and congratulate yourself for all of the many benefits (besides weight loss) that you will begin to notice.
Fat Loss Strategy #2: Effective Goal Setting
Do you ever put your goals in writing? To me a "goal" is simply a dream or a wish until it is written down along with a plan of action to achieve the goal. One of the very first things I do with each of my personal training clients is to help them establish some short and long-term goals that are realistic, measurable, and attached to a deadline. I have clients place their goals somewhere noticeable and read them every day. My sister demonstrated the effectiveness of this to me many years ago. One day, I walked into her bathroom and noticed that she had several goals accompanied by cartoon pictures taped onto her bathroom mirror. Her goals were mainly health and fitness related. I recall they were something like, "Run 10 km without stopping," "Drink 8 glasses of water and take vitamins daily," "10 Men's Push-Ups," etc. I teased her about the cartoon pictures, but was very proud of her when she achieved every single one of those goals and then went on to set new ones.
Putting It Into Action:
Write down some specific and measurable short-term goals (next 3 months) and some longer term goals. Then write down some things you will have to change or do in order to achieve those things. You can also visit my personal training website listed at the end of this article and download a free Goals & Fitness Log to help keep you on track! A goals deadline is invaluable to keep you on track. What might give you some extra motivation? Training for a 5 or 10 km "Fun Run"? Training for a fitness competition? Looking your best for a wedding, a reunion, or an upcoming vacation? Doing a 12 Week Challenge such as Body-for-Life or my 10 week Total Transformation Challenge with a friend? What about setting a date with a photographer for some fitness photos?
Fat Loss Strategy #3: Strength Training is Not an Option
Are you currently on a good weight training program? When I only have time for a couple of short workouts during the week you will definitely find me hitting the weights rather than grinding it out on the treadmill. Here's why:
I guarantee you, there is no activity that can dramatically re-shape your body in the way that weight training can. There is no activity that can boost your metabolism 24 hours a day to the degree that weight training can. Add just 5 pounds of muscle and you will burn an additional 250 calories a day, even on days you don't exercise! Add that up over a week and over a month and you'll see why strength training is crucial if your goal is to maintain a lean, fit body. Plus, if training properly with some intensity (no more useless low-intensity, high-rep sets with "Barbie" weights!), you can work your heart and lungs and get some great cardiovascular benefits at the same time.
Fat Loss Strategy #4: Use Interval Training for Optimum Results
Have you ever been told that long slow cardio workouts in the "fat burning zone" are the way to go for fat loss? If you're like many others, you've probably done some, or maybe a lot of aerobic exercise, but haven't noticed much of a difference in fitness level or physical appearance. The prospect of putting in even more time probably isn't very appealing, but there is a great alternative! Interval training (alternating periods of higher intensity cardio with periods of low-intensity) is a super way to produce maximum results in minimum time. Almost all of my clients incorporate interval training into their fitness program with impressive results. Research shows that when you exercise using high-intensity intervals, the total amount of calories your body burns during the hour after your workout is elevated 143% more than with low-intensity, long-duration exercise. That's because interval training speeds up your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) significantly for up to three hours after exercise - a benefit not found with low-intensity exercise.
Putting It Into Action:
Substitute some interval training sessions 2-3 X per week for some of your longer, moderate intensity cardio sessions and it won't be long before you notice the results. There are many different ways to do intervals, but if you haven't tried this before, start with this basic program: After a good warm-up, kick up the intensity and go hard for 1 minute. (It will take some trial and error to find a pace that is fairly challenging but that you can maintain for the full minute.) Follow this interval with 1 minute at an easy pace. Repeat sequence. Depending upon your fitness level and endurance you might start with 3-4 of these intervals per session but gradually increase number of intervals over the next few weeks until you can do 10. Always follow your interval session with a 1 minute cool down at an easy pace.
Need some new ideas for your fitness program? Turbo-Charge Your Results with the Total Transformation Challenge program (e-book or via mail) which includes a 3-phase fitness training program that will help maximize your ROI (return on investment!). It includes easy-to-follow strength training workouts that can be done in the gym or even at home with a minimum of equipment, along with some highly effective interval training workouts that are guaranteed to take your fitness to a new level! Getting fit doesn't have to take a lot of time - train smarter not longer and reap the rewards!
Fat Loss Strategy #5: Nutrition is the Key that Will Unlock Your Potential!
Often I see people focusing on either "diet" or fitness alone in their efforts to lose body fat. You can't do one without the other and expect good results. Lose weight through dieting alone and you'll lose tons of muscle and slow your metabolism. Expecting that your 2 hour long workouts will compensate for anything you decide to eat is also a big mistake. The truth is that your nutrition will account for up to 80% of the visible results you will get from your fitness program! So expect to put at least as much thought and effort into what you're eating as you do into your fitness.
Are you eating too much? Maybe you're eating too little and slowing your metabolism. I've seen many clients who had been eating less than 1000 calories a day while still packing on bodyfat! Are you getting enough protein to optimize your metabolism and ensure best results from your training? What about "essential fats"? did you know that many people who eat too much fat are still deficient in the critical essential fats?? Are you taking advantage of the incredible power of a "green supplement"? Are you receiving enough of essential nutrients such as chromium, iron, and zinc. Nutrient deficiencies are bad news from a long-term health viewpoint but can also dramatically affect your metabolism and body's ability to burn bodyfat. For instance a shortage of Vitamin E will cut your body's ability to burn body fat in half. What about calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D ? are you getting enough on a daily basis to keep your bones healthy and strong? If you are unable to answer some of these important questions about your diet, then there is some work to do in this area. What you eat are some of the most important decisions that you will make every day. Taking the time to learn about proper nutrition is one of the best investments you can make in your body and your future.
Putting It Into Action:
One of the most powerful tools you can use when trying to lose fat or improve your diet is a nutrition diary. Try writing down what you eat for a couple days and you may be surprised at what you discover! You'll also see how the simple act of writing down what you eat, makes you much more conscious of the choices you are making. A nutrition diary makes it easy to look back at the end of the day and see exactly what you did well, and which areas could use improvement.
Fat Loss Strategy #6: Eat Small Frequent Meals
One of the most common trends I have noticed amongst people who are very overweight is the tendency to skip breakfast. Skipping meals will only play havoc with blood sugar and insulin levels, slow your metabolism and program your body to store more fat! Shoot for three small meals and two healthy snacks throughout the day (rather than eating only a couple larger meals). Ideally, you should be eating something about every 2 ½ to 3 hours while trying not to consume more than about 500 calories in any one meal as this is the maximum number of calories that most people can metabolize without storing fat. If you're used to feeling full after a meal, it may take some time to adjust to eating smaller meals. Hang in there! What you'll notice though is that your energy levels will be more even throughout the day, your digestion will be better and you'll have a lighter, leaner feeling.
Putting It Into Action:
Use smaller plates. Go for quality rather than quantity (paying attention to a nice presentation helps too!) To minimize calories in a meal but still feel like you've eaten something substantial, load your plate with salad, or lightly steamed veggies, along with your serving of protein. Low-fat soups and stews are also very filling. For quick, healthy between meals snacks on the go, try a piece of fruit; a handful or raw nuts/seeds such as almonds or hemp seed; raw food bars such as Rebar or Rebar Nuts'n Seeds Bar, or Larabar; low-fat cottage cheese mixed with a little lemon yogurt or other fruit flavored yogurt; or a raw fruit and veggie plate. You can also carry a shaker cup with you that contains a serving of your favorite protein supplement or meal replacement. Just add water and shake it up for a quick between meal snack.
Fat Loss Strategy #7: The Power of Protein
If you're an average "couch potato," you probably are getting enough protein. But did you know that if you exercise, especially if you strength-train with some intensity, your need for protein increases significantly? The majority of people I see are not consuming enough protein to support their workouts and get maximum results. If you don't get enough protein your metabolism slows down significantly. Protein helps elevate metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns). Compared with a high-carbohydrate meal, the thermic (calorie burning) response from a high protein meal can be 40% greater. Meals that contain a good source of protein are also more satisfying, digest more slowly, and stimulate the release of glucagon, a fat-burning hormone.
Putting It Into Action:
Try to include a good source of protein (ie. chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, quality protein powder supplement) in at least 3-4 of your meals and snacks throughout the day and stoke that calorie burning furnace! A quality protein powder makes great shakes and is a very convenient way to boost your protein intake. Protein supplements with the highest known "bioavailability" (ie your body can utilize it much more efficiently than protein from other sources) are made from WHEY ISOLATES as opposed to lesser quality caseinate and milk protein isolates. Look for labels that specify "high alpha whey isolates" or cross-flow microfiltered whey isolates. Avoid aspartame and other chemical sweeteners. Stevia is a natural plant-based sweetener that is used in some of the higher quality protein supplements. Soy isolates, hemp protein, and brown rice protein and some protein alternatives for people who cannot use a whey protein.
Fat Loss Strategy #8: Choose the "Right" Carbs and Watch the Timing of Your Carbs
Whoa, I could say a lot of important things about carbohydrates here but to keep it short I thought I'd highlight just one important 5-Star Fat Burning Tip. Try to eat most of your carbs early in the day (at breakfast and lunch) when you need them most for energy and brain function. Choose lower-glycemic whole grain carbs such as oatmeal, berries or other lower glycemic fruit, rye bread, yams. For your last meal of the day, cut out the bread, pasta, rice, and starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes. You don't need a lot of carbs right before bedtime, especially if your goal is to burn bodyfat all night long! Instead have a serving of protein along with a big plate of steamed or stir-fried veggies and/or raw salad. And then no snacking after dinner! You don't have to do this every night, but the more often you do, the better your fat-burning results will be.
Putting It Into Action:
Consult a Glycemic Index chart and learn which carbs to emphasize and which to avoid. Substitute whole grains for white flour products (100% whole grain breads, brown rice, large flake oats, quinoa, whole grain pastas) Count how many servings of fruit and veggies you eat in an average day (one serving = ½ cup of veggies or 2 cups of lettuce or 1 med size piece of fruit) An average person eats 2-4 servings but most health consultants today recommend 10 servings! Include more colorful salads, steamed or stir-fried veggies, and home-made soups. Fruit, nature's fast food, makes a great between meal snack.
Fat Loss Strategy #9: Designate a Weekly Treat Day!
Woohoo! Do I mean to say that you can still eat some of your favorite treat foods and lose weight? Yes, you can and you should? and this is how. Remember that you are trying to avoid the very counterproductive "all or nothing" diet mentality. You are also working to develop an eating style that you can maintain for life! Trying to be too strict with your "diet" and not allowing room for an occasional treat will only work against you in the long run. On the other hand many people find that it works great to designate a certain day of the week where they splurge a little, maybe a special night to go out for dinner and have a glass of wine with the meal and your favorite dessert (its more fun to share), or a pizza and movie night. Knowing that this is possible helps you to stay on track during the rest of the week even when you have cravings for something that is not on the plan.
Putting It Into Action:
Decide how it would work best to manage "treat" foods. If you have a lot of self-control, you might be able to get away with smaller amounts of treats more frequently. If your self-control is low (at least for now, this can change over time), you should remove the most tempting junk food and treats from your house and designate a treat day. When you do splurge, make it special and enjoy it, guilt free!
Fat Loss Strategy #10: Surround Yourself With People Who Support & Believe in You, and Most of All, Believe in Yourself!
Putting It Into Action:
Invest in your body and your health and consult with a professional such as a personal trainer and/or a nutritionist. Spend more time with friends who live a healthy, fitness lifestyle. Can you think of a new fitness activity you would you like to try? Join an activity group such as a running, cycling, or hiking group or take some lessons and learn something new! Spend time developing a positive mindset and feeding your motivation - inspiration can come from books, movies, music, successful people. A good place to begin and kickstart your transformation is with the inspirational DVDs - Body-for-Life Success Stories and The Secret! Anything is possible. Believe it!
What Now?! So now you hold in your hand some great fat-burning strategies to help you get your own Total Transformation in motion. But getting the right information is only the first step. Translating that information into action and results is sometimes where people get stuck. I have helped many people achieve incredible transformations with a 10 week women's fitness and wellness program called the Total Transformation Challenge®. This program is broken down into very manageable weekly lessons, and comes with accountability, free phone or email support, and some extra incentives including great prizes. For more information on this revolutionary program, please visit the Total Transformation Challenge website listed below!
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