How will all that sugar and fat pack on the pounds?
Halloween is one of the most unhealthy holidays each year. Especially for our children. This holiday is one HUGE reason why most of our children are obese today. They gorge on sugar for almost an entire month, if not more, after Halloween.
I personally love Halloween, and the candy that comes with it, but there are health'ier' alternatives that we all must use.
You see when the body takes in a high amount of sugar, that sugar is directed into the pancreas. The pancreas releases insulin instead of glycogen. The insulin goes directly into the fat cells makes them bigger. The fat cells sends out glycogen to the blood stream making you 'feel like' you have a good amount of energy when you really don't. Meanwhile, your fat cells are becoming bigger and bigger.
What are healthy, but tasty, alternatives people can give to their kids?
There are plenty of sugar free, less sugar or even lower or no sodium candy out there. Give those out as treats instead of the normal sugar loaded candies.
What are the "healthiest" candies out there?
If you are going to give out the norm on Halloween to all the children, read the labels to see what candy have the least amount of sugar and saturated fat in them, then just choose the best ones. Some better choices might be fruit roll-ups, crackers & cheese packs, animal crackers, raisins, granola bars, cereal bars, trail mix. A much better snack would be organic candy or chocolate. You can find organic hard candy at many different places as well as organic chocolate, even organic fruit snacks. These are much healthier gifts to give out.
What quick methods of exercise can children and adults use to burn off calories after eating that 13th mini-Snickers bar?
Have your family do a relay race with the left over pumpkins running back and forth while holding the pumpkin overhead. It's so much fun trying not to drop those pumpkins on your head and it's great for the family as well.
Chad Cannon is a certified personal trainer, weight loss expert, author, speaker, and director of Shaing Concepts in Hilton Head, South Carolina. His website is
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