The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry predominantly driven by profit and not by the delivery of safe and permanent results. Consequently, many of the weight loss methods used by the average person simply do not work because the methods utilized are not based on solid and sound principles.
Here is an example. The other day I was at the gym jogging on the treadmill while waiting for a client. Next to me, I couldn't help but notice a gentleman jogging on the treadmill with his body draped in what may as well have been a 50-gallon garbage bag.
Anticipating his response, I said, "Excuse me sir. Aren't you hot wearing that"? As expected, he responded, "Yeah, it's a bit hot, but I gotta lose some weight, and when I wear this it helps me to lose the weight a lot faster, so I don't mind the heat."
I was thinking to myself, "Well, you may not mind the heat, but what about death? Do you mind that because if you keep that up, you're almost sure to pass out from heat exhaustion or heat stroke." I mean, this poor man was sweating buckets and in his mind, he truly believed he was using a "method" of weight loss that worked.
If that's not misinformation, I don't know what is (In case you are wondering - wearing those plastic suits will help you lose water weight, but not fat. Once you drink a few cups of water or eat a meal, the weight will come right back).
Here are some other common misconceptions. Short of complete starvation, gastric bypass, liposuction, or being a contestant on the reality show The Biggest Loser, you cannot lose 30 pounds in 30 days. You will not get six pack abs in two weeks by rubbing a "fat burning" cream on your belly.
You will not achieve permanent weight loss by eating cabbage soup and you also cannot eliminate a nutrient, which by definition is something your body needs for survival from your diet for the rest of your life in hopes of losing weight and more importantly, keeping it off.
My point is that false, misleading information exists, and you have likely relied on this flawed "technology" in your efforts to achieve effective and permanent weight loss. Unfortunately, failure is inevitable if your methods of weight loss are grounded in misinformation.
So why are you being lied to and deceived by an industry whose number one priority should be to educate and help you permanently and safely lose weight?
The reason is that the weight loss industry knows that you're eager and desperate to lose weight and keep it off. They know that you are impatiently waiting for an instantaneous and easy weight loss solution and you'll spend your money on almost anything that promises to deliver fast results.
Therefore, by continuing to disseminate false information and manufacture bogus products that could never in a million years produce lasting results, you always remain the customer in search of the next "new" weight loss solution. As long as there are unsatisfied customers, there are profits.
So yes, the billion-dollar weight loss industry is designed to help you fail. In fact, its survival is 100% dependent upon your failure, because as long as you keep failing, you will keep spending your hard-earned dollars on the next "promised solution." God forbid you discover the truth that there is no magic diet, pill, powder, or potion. How then will they make their money? Exactly.
Please understand this. Losing weight is not about a pill, a shake, a piece of equipment, or a fad diet. Weight loss is not about a pie-in-the-sky method that has only one goal in mind: to take your money.
Weight loss also does not depend on extreme habits including adhering to all-or-none diets, killing yourself at the gym, starving yourself, or depriving yourself of one of life's greatest pleasures-good food. Losing weight involves consistently applying scientific principles and a little common sense until "it" works. Trust me when I say that pills, diets, and quick fixes don't work.
Shondelle Solomon-Miles is the owner of Synergize Training Studios in Hollywood, FL. She is also the author of The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide. Her website is
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