Motivation is one of the hardest parts of life puzzle to acquire. When someone lacks motivation it becomes a nightmare to stay committed to short term and long term goals. Nonetheless, the truth remains a fact; in order to be self-motivated you need to have a purpose. This purpose should dictate the value of your desire goals. Keep in mind that in order to be a success, at no matter what it is, you need to have a purpose of what you really need.
Now! When you are certain about such purpose, the time for self-motivation and the driven ability to conquer your goals will become ultimately a must priority. This is an important time in your life to embrace visualization in the puzzle to aid you with the process, and then the rest become as simple as drinking water, automatic. Okay! Let's get to the challenging aspect of this article. A better body weight and body shape.
The transformation or the imagination of one?s dream into reality is not a myth. It is in fact part of your second world, because it exits in the subconscious mind. I will give you a perfect example to relate to. Have you ever ponder why you own a house, a car, or a job? For some people these possessions are a luxury and for others they are necessities. In reality, these possessions were once a dream before you obtain them. Why if you may ask? No one just simply wakes up in one day and then suddenly owns a car, a house, or a job. You thought about the idea first, you dreamed about it, and you even analyzed the situation. On a greater scale, this dreaming, thinking, and analyzing, philosophy really applies to most of the finest things we possess in life.
In the same context having a better body shape and body weight is the same. You have to know that you need it. Unfortunately for most people it is just another fear. Remember that your brain is the most powerful data analyzer and programming device in existence. The moment that you engrave the negative thoughts and fear of not getting what you need in life, it will register. And in this case, it is your health, and your body. In order to get that better body shape and body weight, you must do three important tings, which really comes so natural for some people but not for everyone. You might have heard of this little aphorism before, ?Stars are made, but not born?, just like if you have hidden talents, you must sort them out, and work hard to develop this talent so you can conquer your dreams. If you want to be a star in your journey of bettering your body shape and body weight then:
1. You must think it will happen.
Usually when you start to think about something, the mind starts registering and processing this information right away. After the brain processes such information, it is usually saved in the memory system part of the brain. In fact, most people end up dreaming about ?that something?, that?s the power of the human mind, it does thing that even scientists are still unable to comprehend. You see, once you start thinking, the entire process becomes so much smoother.
2. You must dream it will happen.
If you know you need something that your heart truly desires, you cannot let self-doubt and negative energy flow evade your world, because the subconscious mind will erase the data completely and you will fail to dream. Consequently, you conscious mind will automatically stop processing the information. You must keep on dreaming because at some point you will start visualizing what you really need, and it will all start making more sense and become a reality. Now! Once the information makes more sense, you want to start working through the necessary steps that are needed to obtain what you need. It is hard to comprehend but it is very simple because if you can visualize your body, how your health could potentially change, you will set determine plan to attain the next level, just to get to what you need. Because of that, you will become motivated, dedicated, and willing to sacrifice what it takes to get your best physique. This is the time now to start analyzing.
3. You must analyze the situation in order to succeed.
Every one who analyzes a problem usually finds a solution. Any problem or life challenges that you face, after you think about it, even dream about it, you virtually analyze just to make sense of it and make it works. Now remember we are talking about positive energy flow here, because obviously if you are a negative human being, if everything in your life is going wrong because you have been thinking all along that way, then it is merely impossible to analyze the fruitful outcome of what your heart desire. That is why it is crucial to analyze the situation that you are in, implement a positive outlook on how you will get there, and success will become your best friend.
The same application is very important if you want to live a healthier, and better your body weight, and body shape. If you keep on gaining weight, you must find out first all the possible reasons why you are gaining weight. It might be because of extra calories intake, or perhaps lots of high carbohydrates food right before you go to bed, or some kind of medication that you are ingesting, or even because you are eating so many bad foods, and do not cleanse enough, and not having at least two bowel movements every single day.
You see folks! The possibility here is unlimited, so when I say analyzing your body shape and body weight. Basically, I am telling you to take a deep look into your eating habits, exercise habits, and sleep regimen, because these things can either supply the body with good energy or bad energy, hence, changing how the central nervous system (CNS), process information to the rest of the body. And if these factors are supplying your body with bad energy they will impact the body in such a way to deteriorate your health and let you struggling with your body weight and body shape. Let me illustrate a perfect example here for you.
Jill and Jane are best friends. They are huge extroverted individual who love to socialize. However, it is always a struggle to maintain a good relationship. Jill is not happy with the stress and the destructive path Jane takes towards her health, leaving her miserable at times and in serious mental pain. Jill and Jane used to play in the same soccer league 10 years ago, and they were never obese because they both stayed active. Unfortunately after a few years Jane started to socialize with a different group of friends that Jill thought were a bad influence for a lifestyle due to smoking and usage of alcohol. Jane suddenly changes her ways of leaving. She stops exercising regularly. Most of her daily diet comprise of foods that are high in saturated fats and chemical, preservatives, (i.e. lots of can food and closed bags food). She parties so much now that she barely sleeps six hours a day. Jane's lifestyle became imbalanced, stressful, and now being overweight, she is at risk for diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc. Even though Jill and Jane don't see each others often and it has been seven years now, they still remain distant friend. Jill is a financial advisor who helps the middle class about different strategies to save money for retirement and creating emergency funds.
She exercises regularly, after work, at least three times a week, and run once during the weekend. She pays a great deal of attention to the type of food she eats, monitor her calories intake, and sleep about seven to nine hours a day. Jill feels very good about herself and happy. My point here is very clear. If you need to live healthier and change your body weight and body shape, you must take action and most importantly, you must do the right thing. You must analyze your situation positively after the right thinking. You must do something about your dreams because a dead dream that sticks in your subconscious mind, and cannot be brought to reality consciously is nothing but a Dark Illusion
After reading this article and understand it in its entirety, take a moment and think about what you need to change in your life and take action. As soon as you do, you will have a purpose of self-fulfillment. You will become more motivated toward such purpose, and you will take necessary action to pursue such purpose. Until then, can a healthy lifestyle with a better body weight and body shape become yours forever? The answer is Absolutely YES, as long as you put your mind into it, follow the right directions, be consistent, believe in yourself, and take action.
Ibsen Alexandre
Health and Fitness Professional
Bodybuzz Fitness LLC
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