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Not Your Average Garden Variety Workout

By Dave Gleason

This next statement might get me into some hot water with some of my colleagues...but I’m going to say it anyway!

Sometimes I think personal trainers shouldn’t exist to begin with!

Granted there is a need (especially these days) for someone to safely instruct people how to perform physical tasks in order to achieve a desired outcome quickly and effectively. Or might I say help someone shed unwanted body fat without hurting themselves.

Sometimes I feel like if people would just move, if they would just play, if they would just work around the house they would be much better off!

What if I could tell you about an exercise routine that involves no thought, burns tons of Calories and hits all of the target areas like the core, arms, legs, butt, lower back, upper back AND the heart and lungs?

Could this be a new fitness contraption that sells for 3 easy payments of $29.95?

This unbelievable workout that I rediscovered is called...


My wife and I recently planted an 8 x 10 foot vegetable garden and it took 4 hours total. For a beginner exercising for the first time this equates to 8 half hour workouts! That’s more than a week!

For an intermediate to advanced exerciser that is at least 4 hours. For a nut like me it is one crazy marathon of a workout!

This rivaled some of the toughest workouts I have ever experienced! Everything is sore and though I don’t know the exact Calorie must have been massive!

What did we do exactly?

  1. Edged a 10 x 8 foot rectangle out of the grass next to our shed in the back yard.
  2. Used a pitch fork to lift the sod up and shake out the dirt. Put the remaining grass roots (and weeds) in the wheelbarrow.
  3. Repeat until grass and weeds are gone
  4. Drove 12 stakes in the ground and attached plastic fencing to keep the “critters” out.
  5. Planted Zucchini, peppers, and two types of tomatoes.

Besides the workout this task does so much for my family. It taught my six year old son how to plant a garden and now he gets to watch it grow!

It will provide tons of fresh veggies for my family this summer and save us a lot of money at the grocery store!

It gave my wife and I a sense of accomplishment and gave us an opportunity to do something together!

I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

How much did all this cost?

About $65 dollars total including the plants! I charge $80 per hour for new personal training clients. For 4 hours of training that is $320. Four hours of building a garden from scratch was a mere $16.25 per hour!

I don’t ever want to hear again that someone doesn’t have the time or the resources to exercise!

Happy Gardening and congratulations in advance to reaching your fitness and or weight loss goals!

About the Author:

Dave Gleason owns Movement 4 Life Personal Training serving clients in Massachusetts' South Shore and Metro West areas. His website is