Statistics indicate that at any given time, approximately one-quarter of all men and one-half of all women in the United States are dieting to lose weight. Why is it then that the United States obesity rate is increasing not decreasing? The fact is, diets don’t work! If dieting doesn’t work, are we doomed to be overweight? No! There is hope and unbelievably it is a very simple solution…. Eat healthier and move more. Burn more calories than you consume.
Wow, if it is that simple why is obesity on the rise? Why do we feel the need to diet?
I said simple not EASY.
A typical day for an adult:
Look familiar? Now you tell me, where in there, did you eat anything that in the least way resembled “healthy” and the only moving you did was to rush from one thing to the next.
If we do that day after day, is it any wonder that our weight continues to rise. Remembering, at some point a large percentage of people will add into the cycle a “fade diet”. Unfortunately, we will stay on that cycle until something intervenes. The most common deterrent to that cycle is a health scare of either a heart attack or a strong warning from our doctor.
The simple but not easy solution is you have to get off the merry-go-round before it is too late. You should not and can not wait for a deterrent. You must take responsibility for your health and the health of your families. When you have health as a goal; things will change.
When you decide to eat healthy, you will have a breakfast even if it is just a whole grain cereal and a piece of fruit. You’ll buy fruits and veggies that you can keep with you to eat between meals. You’ll plan your meals so you’re not dependent on fast food.
When you decide to move more, you can park as far away from work as possible, and take the stairs instead of the elevator. You can go for walks at lunch, with your kid or spouse after dinner instead of dropping in front of the TV.
It takes time and effort. Remember anything worth having is worth working for and what could be more worth having than your health?
Eat healthy and move more.
You deserve to live a long and healthy life.
Babe Mooney is the owner of Fitness Together Arden Arcade in Sacramento, Ca. and is the feature writer for Health and Fitness Sacramento. Her website is
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