Personal Trainer In Baltimore Exposes What They Don't Want You To Know. How To Lose Weight The Right Way And Keep It Off For Good! The Truth About Diet and Weight-loss Centers.
Weight Loss For Life! Don't Diet For Life! Do you know the best diet on the market today? It seems like every 3 to 6 months some diet magically appears to help confuse you even more. The problems with diets are they can't be followed for life. For example try following the Cabbage Diet for a month or so and let me know how you feel. What about the Atkins and Grapefruit Diet?
Guess what you will lose some weight when you cut out certain foods and lower your calorie intake, but what they don't want you to know is you're bound to go back to your old habits and eat what you really want.
What happens to your metabolism when you cut back on calories? What happens to your nervous system when drastically cut out foods that your body requires to keep you healthy?
Exactly what are you really losing when you're on a calorie restricted diet, no resistance training exercise and you're hungry as h_ _l?
Is it...
- Fat?
- Muscle?
- Water?
Out of the 3 above what is the most important to preserve?
Let's start with this FIRST? (What is a diet anyway?)
1. A diet is the food and liquid that we consume regularly just to live and survive.
2. A diet to lose weight is a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly to reduce one's weight.
What they don't want you to know is that most weight-loss diets and centers drastically reduce calorie intake to make your body think it's going into starvation mode and you lose water weight.
When your body goes into starvation mode it eventually catches on to what you are doing and then it goes into fat storage mode to preserve energy storage (fat storage).
You will lose weight quickly, but most often it's only water weight. That's not all that they don't want you to know. If you continue with the weight-loss diet and don't do resistance training to maintain muscle you will start to lose muscle mass.
The fat that you really want to lose is probably the last thing you'll lose. Your body likes to hold on to body-fat for energy, and since you are starving yourself to death on this diet your body wants to survive and will hold on to fat for energy.
Have you heard of the saying, "If you don't use it, you lose it." Well you don't actually lose your muscle, but it does get smaller. It's like it is wasting away, that's called atrophy. Atrophy is the progressive loss of muscle mass, or wasting, caused by reduction in the size or number of muscle cells. That's why you must feed your muscles the right amount nutrients.
When you lose muscle mass you won't burn as much calories as before and the fat just hangs around and piles up.
Most Diet centers don't promote exercise and eating well balanced meals, they promote their diet plan and their weight-loss supplements. They know that you want the short cut to weight-loss. They also know that if you knew what they know you would not be there in the first place.
Look, the truth is, if you eat right and exercise you don't need a diet center. That's what they don't want you to know. The diet centers and weight-loss centers know what's happening and know that you will lose water weight quickly on their plan.
As soon as you plateau they know that you'll need to go to the next level in their program (The Plateau Breaker Program). That's when you reduce even more calories and buy even more products. This really throws your metabolism into shock and out of control.
Thats when the yo-yo dieting comes into play, and that's when you think you really need their help but you don't. What they don't want you to know is the real problem is with restricted diets.
The problem with these diet plans is this:
- Once you lose the first amount of weight, you get excited because you think that the diet is really working.
- In reality you are starting that vicious Yo-Yo diet cycle that thousands of people do every year and fail again in again.
- You have to remember that you can't and you won't eat like this for the long-term.
- You will get tired of the same old stuff everyday and return to your old ways and gain even more weight as fat.
This kind of diet does not do your body any good for permanent weight-loss. It only promotes short-term weight-loss. Once you lose it and can't stay on the program you will gain the weight back. The weight that you gain will be even heavier than before. Bottom line, you'll be fatter than you were before the diet, and it will be harder than before to lose it.
I know this to be true, because I've seen it happen to a number of people and they wind up sitting in my office in front of me wondering what the h_ _l happened? I tell them this you didn't fail the diet, the diet failed you.
Muscle dictates metabolism, your muscle is your built in internal fat burner. Lets say you lost muscle in the process of dieting; now you have created a double whammy. Muscle helps keep your metabolism revved-up even while you're at rest!
To sum it all up, when your body fat is greater than your muscle mass, your metabolism slows down and then you store fat. Diet centers and fad diets use muscle and water loss as a quick fix. Slowing down your metabolism by 10 to 15 percent makes it even more difficult to lose weight in the future. The more muscle you retain and build, the higher your metabolism and the more energy you naturally burn.
Out of the 3 listed (Fat, Muscle and Water) what is the most important to preserve when dieting? By now you should know that it's muscle. So ladies don't be afraid of building muscle, you will not look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. But you will burn fat like crazy. You'll tone your muscles and lose inches all over your body, and that's what most women want! Correct?
Ladies don't concentrate on your weight, concentrate on your body fat. Let's say you weigh 200 pounds and your body fat is 25 percent, that's 50 extra pounds of fat you're carrying around.
If you weighed the same weight with only 10 percent body fat, that's only 20 pounds of fat. If you lose 10 pounds of fat, it looks like 20, and 20 pounds looks like 40. That means more inch loss and that always looks better on your body. That's what they don't want you to know.
Lose Weight The Right Way And Keep It Off! Hire a Certified Personal Trainer and Learn How
Kenneth Reed is a AAAI-ISMA Certified Personal Trainer, Author of the book Entitled ?Which Strengthens Me Founder and Owner of Fit For Life Personal Training Center 9006 Liberty Road - Randallstown, MD Office Visit me on the web at: or
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