Carbohydrates have really gotten a bad rap over the past few years. We've become a low carb/no carb obsessed society. Some of us fear carbohydrates more than we fear nuclear war or a Bird Flu outbreak. Sure, you'll lose weight on low carb diets, but mostly water and muscle, not fat. This is because with every gram of carbohydrate you eat your body stores approximately 2.5 grams of water.
Therefore, if you eliminate or decrease the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, you're also retaining less water. The less water you retain, the less you will weigh on the scale. However, this is just a temporary "fix," because once you resume eating carbohydrates, you'll regain this weight, and probably more.
Moreover, low carb diets are impossible to adhere to for any length of time. Carbohydrates are nutrients and you need them in your diet in order for your body to function optimally. Thus, your goal shouldn't be to eliminate carbohydrates, but rather to understand what carbs to eat and what carbs to avoid. Not all carbohydrates are created equal. A slice of white bread will have a more negative impact on your body than brown rice or a bowl of oatmeal. By the end of this chapter, you'll understand this distinction and you'll realize that not all carbohydrates are the enemy.
Let me ask you this...
How is it that rice and noodles are staples of Asian diets and people of Asian cultures don't have the weight problems that we have in America? How do you explain the fact that in Italy, pasta is present at most meals and Italians don't struggle with weight like we do in the United States? In France, croissants, bread, and pastries are dietary basics, and yet the French aren't fighting the battle of the bulge as we are in America.
Why is it that these other cultures are able to eat carbohydrates with almost every meal and if Americans so much as look at bread or pasta we gain five pounds?
I'll tell you why.
In many of these countries, people walk to run errands, standard portions are not "super-sized" and fast food dining is a luxury rather than a staple. Here in America, we pile our plates high with processed foods and simple sugars, we get in our cars and drive to destinations only two minutes away, and when we're busy and feeling a little hungry, we pull into the nearest drive-thru and order fat and sugar laden meals.
My friend, trust me when I say, it's not potatoes, rice, bread or pasta that's the primary cause of your weight problems; IT'S YOUR LIFESTYLE! The bottom line is that most people have a difficult time losing weight because they overeat and under move. Period.
Stop blaming weight gain on innocent potatoes and bread, and start blaming them on the fact that we spend too much time in front of the television, too little time moving our bodies, and for many of us, our idea of a workout is taking out the trash or strolling through the mall.
Shondelle Solomon-Miles is the owner of Synergize Training Studios in Hollywood, FL. She is also the author of The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide. Her website is
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