It is not impossible to lose weight. Most people simply do not understand the reasoning behind calories, diet, nutrients, and ingredients. The best way to lose weight and to keep it off is not simply to follow a nutritional program with an exercise plan, but is to keep yourself educated through self-education, and to love yourself. Indeed, if you take this into consideration and execute, you will soon find out if you really want to lose weight, you will have to first stop counting the calories and focus more on the ingredients in your food. I am not some famous expert on nutrition or exercise who comes on your television screen every day, what I am is an expert as a Health and Fitness Professional who cares about the well-being of every single individual who are seeking results, and I will tell you this, If you read this article in its entirety and absorb the information you will never worry about losing weight again. Let's just say it is a powerful secret that I will unveil to you in this article, that some nutritionist or exercise experts are not telling you.
Before we get into further details in this piece of article, let?s focus on what exactly is a calorie, anyway. By definition, a calorie is a measure of heat, and one gram of calorie represents the amount of heat that is needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius. I know some of you are saying right now, okay! What in the blue moon does that mean? All you really need to know is that calorie is used to produce energy, produce work (not going to work in an office, but the work that the body does, like lifting a box), and heat. Believe it or not, you need calories, and certain amount as well, but you don't need to worry about the standard amounts, and I?ll tell you why later.
What about diet? Why do most people get confuse about this simple term. There is a difference between a diet, and a healthy diet. I often encounter individuals who tell me, Hey Ibsen, I just started this new diet with this company X. No! You just started on some form of weight loss or weight management program that consists of multiple diets. A diet is simply what you eat and drink during the course of an entire day. Today I ate 2 boiled eggs, a medium ball of oatmeal, and I had 2 ounces of Tahitian Noni Juice, and a glass of water. That's my diet, and tomorrow my diet will be a little different, who knows. Next time you go on a weight- loss program, keep the simple definition of diet in your mind.
Let's look at nutrient now. By the way, keep in mind in this article I will not touch base on carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. If you want to know more about them, you can simply email me or contact me, my website address will be at the end of this article. Okay! What is nutrient? By definition, nutrient is a substance found in food that provide energy, promote growth, repair of tissues, and regulate metabolism. What is all this jargon really means. It simply means that, the food that you eat, whether it's the bagel, the piece of chicken, or the banana will provide you with some form of energy, will help you grow, will help repair your tissues (in this case bad cells or muscles), and will help you with your metabolism as well. It is critical to understand the power of nutritious food and why it is essential to eat a healthy diet.
It is time now for ingredients, what is going on with the battle between these two giants, calories and ingredients. The people who are in favor of your health will always do their best to save you from destroying your health and help you focus more trace minerals, phytho-nutrients, vitamins, and on ingredients. A company that tries to help you to focus more on calories is simply robbing your pocket and if I were you, I'll run as far as I can for such company not to catch me. I am not asking you to believe me because everyone has their own opinion, but I can tell you this, if you are stuck in a rut with weight loss, get yourself educated more, and stop wasting your hard earn money on weight loss products that don't work for you. Let me give you my own and very simple definition of ingredient. Ingredient is just a list of words that is usually found all the way down below the nutrition facts of any food products, some are good and most of them are bad. And some food products don?t even that them, and if I were you I will run away as quickly as I can for those kinds of food. Soon at the end of this article you will find out more, so keep on reading. Well, I did promised you that we will dialogue more about the best part of this article and this is the time now. Are you ready? Are you focused? Let's get going then.
In my opinion, calorie is just a way to fool individual to get fatter and more obese. No wonder why the population of obesity is increasing more and more in this country, and more people are getting sick. The story is totally different overseas. I am a tester, and observer; therefore I am always testing and observing the food industry, and more specifically the manufacturers that process the foods. The other day, I went to a subway and bought one of their Fresh Fit new menu and the brand new concept is about evolve your fast food The total calories was about 300 calories compare to the new Agnus Third Pounder? that I purchased last week, which is about 750 calories. When you look at the ingredient of these two meals it doesn't even make a difference in calories. Huh! What are you talking about? Well some of their ingredients will actually add weight more calories to the actual calories if you read them well. Fake sugar, Fake salt, and a bunch of added chemical ingredients. Have you ever bought something, a package of food, and you just couldn't finish reading the ingredients, or you just couldn't pronounce half of the words. Listen! I am not telling you to go ahead and stop your fast food race nor bad food race; the choice is up to you. All I am saying is start educating yourself in order to make better food choices.
Let me share a few questions and statistical data with you that will stun you and going to change the way you think about food, especially calories forever.
The Foods That Made America Fat
In 1961 Americans consumed 2883 calories per person. By 2000 this had increased to 3817. Combine this with a decrease in physical activity and it's a no-brainer; in the space of 40 years people got fatter. Not only that - they also got sicker. What foods made up this 935 calories increase and what effect might those foods have had on overall health? Are we eating a lot more animal-based protein? Red meat? Or is it the increase of saturated fats that have made us sicker? The answers to these questions present a stunning contrast to traditional dietary dogma.
Here's the base statistics. 1961 2000 Total Calories per Day 2882.5 3816.71 Calories from Protein 13.2% 12% Calories from Fat 34.4% 36.7% Calories from Carbohydrate 48.7% 47.3% Calories from Alcohol 3.7% 4%
Consumption of animal proteins went from 8.7% of daily calories to 7.6% - here are some details:
Calories per Day from 1961 2000 Butter 65 40 Eggs 67 55 Red Meat 140 123 Poultry 64 186
More poultry but less red meat, butter, and eggs. Pork consumption is about the same. So where did all the extra calories come from? Added sugars, vegetable oils, and cereal grains.
Calories per Day from 1961 2000 Added Sugars 515.75 665.82 Vegetable Oils 267.5 634.93 Cereal Grains 627.32 869.05
We've been told to; eat less eggs, eat more margarine - avoid butter, eat less saturated fat, eat less red meat, eat more grains, use more vegetable oils.
The above statistics would indicate - that to some degree - this advice has been taken to heart. Strange how more of us are obese than ever before and how diabetes and heart disease rates continue to climb. Surely after 40 years we should be seeing some positive evidence?
1) The Food That Made America Fat (Many thanks to R. Wilshire for her in-depth research into FAO food lists. You can see a more detailed analysis on her site at Weight of the Evidence.
Action and Love is a Perfect Match for your Health. 2) Stay Fit and Live Healthy
Ibsen Alexandre
Health and Fitness Professional
Bodybuzz Fitness LLC
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