Summer is here! It’s not too late.
I hear the same thing each and every year…. “Summer just snuck up on me again, and I need to lose my winter coat”
Around here, it literally happens overnight. One day rain, the next sunny days with temperatures in the 90s. So I can almost understand how many people thought they had more time to get into swimsuit shape. It would have been nice to be thinking about this a couple months ago, but if you’re a procrastinator, like me, we can get started today and have you back in shape before summer kicks into high gear.
Stop! Put away the excuses! Put down that Pepsi and potato chips and let’s start making some positive changes. Here are a few things that you can do right away that will absolutely, positively get you headed toward a lean, fit physique that you can’t wait to show off.
Step 1
Believe that you will create the body you really want quickly. This is often overlooked, but very important. Create a crystal clear mental picture of how you will look and feel in the coming weeks and months. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing exactly what you’ve always wanted to see. How do you look? How do you feel?
You can do it. You will do it. And it’s going to happen fast!
Step 2
Schedule 20-30 minutes a day 4 to 5 times a week to train. Extraordinary results absolutely require consistency. Getting your training time booked into your schedule and making it a top priority will insure your success.
Step 3
Create a program of progressive, high intensity resistance training coupled with activities to enhance muscle recovery. You need to stimulate your body to adapt to greater volumes of work in each successive training session. In other words, you will do slightly more (more reps, more sets, or more resistance) each time you repeat the same exercise.
Step 4
EAT! To facilitate rapid and lasting change of your metabolism and body composition, you need to properly fuel your lean tissue and starve the fat. The best way to do this is to eat small, balanced meals about every three hours or 5 – 6 times per day. Split up your total daily caloric intake evenly across your 5 daily meals and make sure that each meal contains a source of complete protein and fiber. Start your day with a good meal first thing in the morning.
Now, I know that for some these guidelines are exactly what you need to actually use what you know about exercise and nutrition to finally start achieving great results. That’s great, get started right now and keep me posted on your progress.
I also understand that you may asking “what exactly do I need to do in terms of training and eating?” For you I’d like to mention a few tools that will greatly assist you in this, very personal, journey.
Open up your copy of STOP WORKING OUT! This book contains a very effective, full 12 week progressive resistance training with full illustration and description of the process. If you don’t have a copy yet, it’s available in hard copy or ebook at
If you need a more defined approach, designed specifically for you with multiple levels of accountability to insure the success of your program, consider enlisting the help of a professional fitness coach. In most cases, this will prove to be the fastest and most effective means of getting into "swimsuit shape" in time for this summer. If you happen to be in Northern California, I invite you to visit my Fitness Together website at in Stockton, CA for a program that will guarantee results in time for this summer.
See you at the pool.
Author of the best selling fitness book "STOP WORKING OUT!" and the 100% successful "STOP DIETING!" nutrition program, Travis Speegle has been delivering simple, effective solutions to complex fitness, business and personal performance challenges for over 17 years. Discover the secrets to unlock your unlimited success at
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