The fitness triangle refers to combining all three elements of fitness (cardio, resistance training, and supportive nutrition) all at the same time. A fitness regimen that does not include these elements will end in failure. If you have ever attempted weight loss and been unsuccessful, this is most likely why. The concept is simple, and I will review it for you now.
Resistance Training
This is the first element of fitness. Resistance training means lifting weights to build lean muscle. When I say lean muscle I do not mean bulky muscle. ANY muscle at all is lean muscle. Lean muscle is built by the rebuilding of broken down muscle tissue. Resistance training is the catalyst that breaks down the tissue. Broken down muscle tissue cannot rebuild itself without energy. The first source of energy your body turns to is FAT. In fact, lean muscle is the only thing in the human body that can actually BURN AWAY A FAT CELL. When a fat cell is burned away it is gone forever. Other methods of weight loss merely shrink a fat cell. That means that it will return to its original size or bigger very quickly.
That all sounds nice but it's not the end of the story. As humans we have a basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is the minimum energy required to maintain the body's life function a rest. Put another way, BMR is the number of calories you would burn lying down (not sleeping) over a 24 -hour period. Resistance training increases the body's BMR. That means you burn more fat while you?re sitting on the couch watching TV, reading, cooking, playing with the kids, etc. It is easy to see why weight training is so important to long- term fat loss.
Supportive Nutrition
The second element of fitness is the wildcard. This is where some FT clients struggle the most. Food is SOOOO good. Believe me I understand, I love food too. That does not change the fact that proper nutrition is an essential cog in the fitness wheel. It is EQUALLY as important as resistance training and cardiovascular exercise. Many people fall into the trap of thinking, I'm weight training and doing cardio for the first time in years, I can cheat a little on my diet. This is the faulty thinking that ultimately leads to frustration and FAILURE.
An exercising adult should consume five SMALL meals a day. This keeps your metabolism stoked and operating at its highest level all day long. It prevents the body going into survival mode and hoarding fat to ward off starvation. That is your body's natural defense mechanism. Many people eat one or two times a day thinking they are cutting calories so it must be good. This does nothing but slow down your metabolism and make your body a fat storing machine. I put the emphasis on small (meals) because portion control is so important. If you eat five large, calorie dense meals, you will gain weight. Keep portions to the size of your fist.
Three of the meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) should consist of a lean protein, starchy carb, and fibrous carb. The other two meals should be light snacks (fruit, yogurt, protein bars/shakes, tuna and crackers, cottage cheese, nuts, etc.) One of these meals should fall between breakfast and lunch, and the other between lunch and dinner. Remember, lean proteins are building blocks of the muscle the will raise your BMR. Starchy carbs (whole grain breads, corn, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.) are the energy your body MUST have to take part in an intense exercise regimen. Fibrous carbs (Vegetables) provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants that aid in tissue repair and bolstering the immune system.
Lastly, stay away from simple sugars (sweets, desserts, etc.). THEY MAKE PEOPLE FAT!!!!!!!!! Also, greatly limit your intake of saturated fat. Get your fat from healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, coconut oil, avocados, etc.
You should keep your water intake high. Aim for 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight. If you weigh 170 lbs you should drink 85 oz. of water per day.
Be sure to allow yourself one cheat day a week. This is the day you get to eat ANYTHING you want. Just keep it to one day a week. Go nuts!!
These are the basics. If you have any questions or need further help feel free to contact Fitness Together.
Cardiovascular exercise
Cardiovascular (aerobic) activities are easily the most common and popular form of exercise. This includes walking, running, cycling, elliptical machine, some sports, swimming, etc. While it is the most popular, you would be shocked how often it is neglected. Aerobic exercise serves so many wonderful and life-changing purposes.
First, aerobic exercise keeps your heart and respiratory system working efficiently. This means a longer life. One of the heart?s main functions is to pump rich, oxygenated blood to the body. Your body needs this oxygenated blood to function. If there are blockages in the arteries then the heart cannot work as it should. If you have a high resting heart rate or your heart does not recover quickly after exercise, you may have this problem. Healthy eating and regular cardiovascular exercise WILL reverse these blockages. Studies have shown that people who regularly participate in aerobic exercise throughout their lives, live longer. If you have family, friends, or co-workers who care about you, you owe it to them. They are reason enough to do it.
The blood also delivers nutrients throughout the body. The body needs protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for the reasons described above. You need your heart to be capable of delivering these nutrients as the body is calling for them. An inefficient heart will be unable to do this.
Cardiovascular exercise also BURNS FAT!!! While enduring an intense cardio session, your body calls upon fat for energy. Your body will burn fat while the cardio session is going on and for a little while after. Approximately one hour after the cardio session has ended, the fat burning will stop. That is what separates aerobic activity and resistance training. Resistance training results in 24-hour fat burning while cardio results in short bursts of fat burning. That?s why they must BOTH be done.
Remember, proper aerobic activity involves a sustained elevation of the heart rate. While performing aerobic exercise, you want your heart rate to cross into YOUR target heart rate zone (THZ) and keep it there for a period of time (usually 25 to 45 minutes). Many people take part in activities that they think are cardio intensive but fall short. Some examples are slow walking, a light game of tennis, walking the golf course, cleaning house, etc. These are great activities but do not confuse them with aerobic or cardio sessions. I suggest that anybody truly interested in being healthy and fit purchase a heart rate monitor so they can be assured that they are getting the most out of their cardio session. Below is the equation used to calculate target heart rate:
220 - Age = Maximum Heart Rate (Your heart rate should NEVER exceed this number)
Maximum Heart Rate X .55 = low end of THZ
Maximum Heart Rate X .85 = high end of THZ
50 years old
220 ? 50 = 170 (Maximum Heart Rate)
170 x .55 = 93.5
170 x .85 = 144.5
93.5 ? 144.5 is the THZ
You want to fluctuate all around this THZ. Some days keep your heart rate around 95 beats per minute (BPM); some days keep it around 120BPM, and some days around 140BPM. This will keep your body from adapting and plateauing.
Lastly, you want to keep your intensity level high whenever you exercise. We all face tough, exhausting days but that is when intense exercise will do us the most good. Too often we complete a weight training or cardio session by simply going through the motions until it is FINALLY over. This will get you nowhere. What if you approached your job, school, or family this same way? What kind of success would you have? Treat your health the same way, it is just as important.
The above information may or may not seem basic but it is extremely important. Following this prescription will ensure success. We work with over eighty clients at Fitness Together. Those clients who subscribe to the Synergy theory and apply it, have 100% success rates. Baring some sort of metabolic disease, this is the answer to the weight loss riddle, the magic bullet if you will.
If you are already applying this information, congratulations! You have either attained success, or success awaits you. If you have not yet been able to combine resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and supportive nutrition, hang in there. Focus on one element at a time. Once it becomes a habit, implement the next until it becomes a habit, and so on. Remember, this is a marathon not a sprint. You are looking to make a lifestyle change not overnight weight loss.
Jason Goggans is a certified personal trainer located in Alpharetta, GA. He ownes a Fitness Together personal training studio in Alpharetta, GA. His website is
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