I’ve been working in the fitness industry for over 10 years. During that time, I’ve probably heard just about every exercise excuse you could imagine for why a person who wants a better body can’t exercise or eat right. It makes me sick just thinking about it!
I don’t think it’s the exercise excuses themselves that bother me so much as when the person making the excuse actually believes it to be true. Nothing will stop the quest for a better body faster than self-defeating exercise excuses. Here’s one fitness professional’s list of the lamest exercise excuses I’ve ever heard:
“I’m a busy person. I don’t have time.” Everyone has the same amount of time. You are free to choose how you spend it. You can choose to spend it watching “must-see TV” or you can start building a better body. This is a cop-out exercise excuse anyways. Anyone who has done burpees for four minutes can tell you that.
“No money!” First off, I know plenty of people that have money that aren’t in the best shape. Secondly, there are tons of great bodyweight exercises that can be done anywhere for FREE. And I don’t think skipping ropes are that expensive, either.
“I have bad genetics.” This is a crutch that people lean on too much. Few people ever reach their genetic potential. What’s needed is the determination and persistence to try and do so. Never settle and always live your greatest possibilities.
“It’s too sunny out.” Unless you’re a vampire, I’m not accepting this one. Exercising outside is a great way to get back in touch with nature and the “play” element that adults miss and need. Oh yeah, one more thing, if you’re a vampire, I don’t work with vampires!
“I don’t like to sweat.” I don’t like it either, but I Iike being fat and lazy a lot less. Exercise is a stress on the body. Sweating is one way your body copes better with increased body temperature
“Exercise is boring.” If you do the same routine day after day, month after month, it’s not only boring but it won’t give you results either. Exercise is the stimulus for our body to change. Your body adapts quickly, so you must change your routine every 3-4 weeks if you’re serious about building a better body.
“I’m too tired.” For me, that’s a reason to exercise not an excuse. But I guess it’s all how you look at things. You need to make sure that you’re eating enough healthy food each day. Proper nutrition gives you the fuel needed for exercise. Without it, you run out of gas, and break down before you get where you’re going.
“I’ve got kids.” Do you want to see them grow up? You might not want to hear it, but you need to. I’ve worked with busy moms and dads that have got into the best shape of their life. I’ve often marveled at how they do balance successful careers and busy family obligations. Their response is insightful: “Exercising regularly gives me the energy to do it!” Success always leaves clues. Don’t re-invent the wheel, learn from success and model it.
“I don’t have anything to wear.” If you don’t start exercising, you really will have nothing to wear. Now, do you want to spend your money on a new, bigger wardrobe, or do you want to get to work?
“I’m not in shape.” Huh? That’ll be the case as long as you keep making excuses not to exercise, and until you start taking appropriate and sustained action. You need to swallow any embarrassment and use it as fuel for your journey towards a better body and a better you. What exercise excuses are you making?
Dale Andrew, M.A. is a fitness professional, author, and speaker. He is the fat loss expert busy professionals worldwide turn to for advice on how to build a better body - FAST. To get your copy of his free e-book 64 Must-Have Fitness Tips, visit www.better-body-tips.com.
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