Weight Loss Made Simple
By Simon Caddy
Please allow me to provide you with some suggestions that will hopefully promote your weight loss efforts in a way that is both nourishing and reasonable.
The first thing I'd like to see you do is to calculate the amount of calories you are currently eating on an average day. Just begin with you breakfast in the morning and just live out your day as usual, without any real thoughabout weight loss. That's important - don't think about it! You should really try to eat exactly the same as you would ordinarily eat on any other regular day without trying to make yourself look good, and keep a record of everything that you consume and the quantities that you consume. I'm sure you'll find that this project can take a great deal of motivation on your end. It is very important that you remind yourself of your decision to follow a program of healthy weight loss, and to adhere to a pragmatic diet method.
This type of weight loss method will be a great deal better for your health than any kind of starvation diet method or weight loss supplement. In all honestly, the entire process won't take more than 10-15 minutes out of the whole day, even regardless of the powerful long-lasting benefits that it will bestow. Before you go to bed for the night, you will want to count up the actual number of calories, carbohydrate, protein, and fat that you consumed during the day. Be as meticulous as you are capable of being so that you will know exactly where you are starting out from and what characteristics of your present eating habits will prove the most rewarding targets to work on in your quest for weight loss.
Easy Lifestyle Changes
Next I'll tell you about a couple of easy, simple lifestyle tweaks that you should follow if you are to drop the quantity of food energy you are eating in an average day that will enable you to begin your weight loss effectively.
The thing to do can be to actually raise the amount of protein you consume in an average day. Studies have shown that escalating your protein consumption without any other change will actually result in substantial fat loss (and this is what we really want when we pursue weight loss). This is due to the fact that foods that are high in protein are quite a bit more satiating than other foods. The more protein you add into your diet, you should try to reduce the amount of sugar and carbohydrates that you are taking in daily by an equal proportion. Clinical research has proven that carbohydrate can actually increase your appetite. This is why you will almost always eat a greater amount of food for lunch if you have a fizzy drink with the food. The fizzy drink also has another side effect; it irritates the bottom of the stomach and lets the food out faster, meaning you have less time to absorb the nutrients from the food you've consumed.
Along with these dietary changes, you can also boost your fat-burning potential by building up new muscle mass. This is done through weight training. Many people enjoy weight training because it allows you some time in between workouts and because the physical benefits are readily evident. The best weight training technique is to focus on slow, perfectly formed movements for between 15-20 repetitions per set. The weight you need to use depends on you. You should be able to just about reach 15-20 repetitions but do no more, otherwise it won't help in your weight loss efforts. Have a nice protein shake after your workout to speed up the rate at which your body builds muscle.
Cardio Isn't What It Seems...
Doing cardio is simply not an effective way to boost your weight loss. Your body does not burn nearly as many calories as you would probably like to believe. Also, this type of exercise tends to reduce your blood sugar levels, causing feelings of hunger and making you likely to eat more food than you otherwise would have. However, interval training with your cardio workouts is definitely the way to go. Research now shows that if you perform an interval workout (1 minute slow, 1 minute fast) for 20-30 minutes, you can boost your metabolism for up to 38 hours - and that makes weight loss really simple!
By the time you've followed this plan for 1-2 weeks, you will likely be pleased to find that you have lost a pound or two...or more. This is a healthy rate for weight loss, and it is important to be realistic and focus on losing weight the healthy way. You could lose weight more quickly with a crash diet, but you would be risking your health and regain all the weight after a short period of time. By sticking to this weight loss plan and shedding just 1-2 pounds each week, by the time you reach the one-year mark you will have become more than 50 pounds lighter with very little effort!
See, I said it would be simple!
About the Author:
Simon Caddy has been a qualified Boxercise, Kick-Boxercise and Cardio-Kickbox instructor since 2005, and delivers several classes each week across a 20 mile radius from his home in Caerphilly, as well as using it in one-to-one sessions with his clients. For more information about these classes or one-to-one sessions, please visit