The lure of the magic pill or magic potion has been around forever. From the early Olympians who ingested poisons like strychnine to the athletes of today, it seems everybody is looking for an edge – a shortcut to success.
It’s a billion-dollar business, and it’s not going away anytime soon. Certainly, supplement companies are very effective at marketing and advertising. Heck, it’s easy when you own just about every “fitness” magazine out there:
And then you got Weider Enterprises, which owns pretty much everything else!
But how effective are they at delivering on their promises?
The truth is that 90% of supplements don’t do anything and have no scientific proof that says otherwise.
What’s more is that the few supplements that do work are totally unregulated. This means that what you’re buying on the label may not actually be in the bottle.
But, let’s just pretend it is for a moment. What’s a supplement? Too many people think supplements are substitutes for hard exercise and healthy eating. In fact, supplements do not create results.
They can only speed up results that you’re already getting.
To put it another way: Supplements are a lot like gasoline is to a fire. The right supplement can make an existing fire bigger. But if there’s no fire to begin with, does it matter how much gas you pour onto the ground?
Most supplement companies conceal the fact that exercise and proper diet is required in the fine print.
Why? We live in an over-medicated society that likes the idea of just having to pop a pill more than it likes the thought of hard work. Maybe, I’m wrong?
But whether it’s in the headline or the fine print, hard exercise and proper nutrition are what’s needed – and supplement companies know it. They make billions selling false promise to people that need real solutions. And remember, when it comes to putting something in your body – what you don’t know can hurt you!
Personally, I’ve only come across one supplement company that I feel confident in taking myself and recommending to my clients. They use whole foods, not synthetic fillers. What’s more is that they are the only company that I’ve come across that stands behind their products, offering a 30-Day guarantee. If you want to know more about this company, you’ll have to download my FREE e-book, “64 MUST-HAVE Fitness Tips for a Better Body."
Dale Andrew, M.A. is a fitness professional, author, and speaker. He is the fat loss expert busy professionals worldwide turn to for advice on how to build a better body - FAST. To get your copy of his free e-book 64 Must-Have Fitness Tips, visit
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