Everyone wants to look younger, and feel great. Having that energy you once had as a kid would be great to say the least. Is that not what having a quality of life is all about? It is in fact the Best Life to live, but you can not expect to keep a high quality of life if you do not put in some effort. It does take some planning and work. But the rewards you will reap are by far worth the extra effort.
I mean just take a look at some people you know that are year after year getting worse off by the way the live their life. They do not exercise or eat right, which usually the results are weight gain, then the bad knees, aching back, health problem then seem to start to take over, and they end up spending a fortune going to the doctor and buying medication, that does not cure anything. Their quality of life is gone because of poor choices made over and over again thru the years. The awesome thing about are bodies is that your body has the power to reverse some of these problems, by healing it's self when given the right tools...as in the right foods and exercise etc...
That is why I came up with the 10 steps to looking younger and feeling great, to help you to live as healthy and happy a life as you can. So here we go just try to incorporate one or two at a time into your life, until you have all 10. You will not believe the change you will see and feel.
Have a positive mental attitude:
Positive thinking is like any habit, it is something that requires daily reinforcement by requiring a more gracious attitude, by acknowledging the many things you have to be thankful for. Like your health, intelligence, friends, and family. Don't sweat the small stuff it is just not worth it. I know, I use to get so mad about how some people drive, but then I got to thinking I don't know what is going on in a persons life that might cause them not drive like they should. So now I just let it go. I have more important things to think about, and I am a lot less stressed because of it.
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains:
I cannot express how important eating clean is, as in whole foods, not pre-made foods is to your health. It can decrease the risk of certain diseases, enhancing your longevity, and even help you to discontinue your need for certain medications, eliminating side effects, and saving you money knowing how expensive health care is that is huge. Eating fish, small amounts of eggs and dairy is also beneficial. You probably are saying I do not like to eat vegetables, whole grains. Well if their is a will their is a way. I have found lots of recipes using veggies, whole grains, and fruits, that taste Great! But you need to take some time to prepare them. Most of them take 5 to 20 minutes. Just e-mail me, and I will hook you up. :)
Eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours:
This will not only keep you satisfied, but also keeps your blood sugar and insulin levels controlled. The thing that will get you excited is when you eat less but more often your body will not store body fat, but instead will use the body fat as an energy source. Very cool:) Putting your metabolism into high gear. I usually eat 5 to 6 meals two of them being shakes, like protein shake and a few strawberries, or an apple and some almonds. See you can do it too.
Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants:
Omega 3 fatty acids are also called Essential Fatty Acids(EFA) and must be obtained through diet. There are two families of EFA: Omega-3 and Omega-6. Omega-3 fatty acids are derived from Linolenic Acid. Most people do not get enough Omega-3's, this can cause problems like a decrease in memory, tingling sensation of the nerves, poor vision, tendency to form blood clots, low immune function, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, irregular heart beat. You can see that it is very important to get your Omega-3's everyday. This is not hard you can get them by taking just a tablespoon full of flaxseed oil should provide you with your daily requirement. Foods that are rich in Omega-3's are: walnuts, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, avocados, some dark leafy vegetables like (Kale, spinach, mustard greens etc..) salmon, tuna, mackerel, and wheat germ oil.
Antioxidants: are also called "Free - Radical Scavengers". They protect against free - radicals highly unstable molecular fragments unleashed by chemicals, polluted air, and other factors that can damage the body. Recent studies have shown that antioxidants and other nutrients can protect against cell damage, some cases have reduced the risk of certain cancers, skin cancer, wrinkled skin, muscle pains, cramps, and fatigue. Studies have suggested that to get the best benefits, you should mix the natural foods together eating a variety of fruits and vegetables that contain a range of antioxidants that will work together will produce better results. Here is a small list of the top foods you can eat to get your antioxidants. Berries are at the top of the list (Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries etc...), walnuts, sunflower seeds, pomegrante, ginger. Vegetables that are good are Kale, peppers, chilli peppers, brussels sprouts, and spinach.
If you are not physically active throughout the day, then you should make time to exercise everyday:
Yes if you really want to turn back the clock exercise is a must to looking younger and feeling great. You should lift weights at least 3 times a week, with a couple of days doing some form of cardio, whether that be swimming, hiking, biking or running. The other 2 days you can go for a walk, or play a sport that you enjoy. Everybody should lift weights that do not have a serious medical condition. Because lifting weights improves your muscular condition that will burn fat long after your done exercising. while other forms of exercise just burn fat during the activity. Other benefits are improved agility, increased bone density , turns back the clock making you look younger. If you do not have time to exercise, then make time for illness. It is just that simple.
Get plenty of sleep:
This is probably more important then you realize. Getting enough quality sleep is of great impact to your health, and to looking younger and feeling great. it helps to prevent disease, and helps you to be at your best during the day. As you sleep your body releases large amounts of 3 hormones, that are essential for your body to be able to rejuvenate cells and heal. The more physical active you are the more sleep you need. So if you wake up feeling rested, then you know your body has gotten enough rest.
Don't smoke or drink alcohol:
I don't think I need to go into any details on this one. Everyone know the health risks involved with smoking and drinking too much alcohol. I know some people like to have a glass of wine with their dinner and this is fine, just don't have more then two .
Limit Sun Exposure:
Did you know that too much sun will age you faster then smoking cigarettes , or having bad eating habits? Getting too much sun is the #1 cause of wrinkled skin. So be sure to wear a good Sunscreen that has Zinc Oxide, Titanium dioxide or Parsol (avo-benzone) and a SPF of 20 or higher for the best protection. But you should get 15 minutes of sunshine a day. This is the best way to make sure your body is getting the vitamin D it needs. Just try not to be out in the sun for a longer period of time with out sunscreen, and or clothes, hat to keep you from getting sun burned.
Sweat out impurities:
Dr Ernst has found that it is necessary to sweat profusely at least once a day to maintain good health. When he analyzed athletes sweat he found it contained cadmium, lead, zinc and nickle which are potential cancer - causing elements. Another great reason to exercise.
Asian Anti-Aging Secret:
Take Ginseng Root. Ginseng nourishes the entire organ system - heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and liver. It also boosts the skin metabolism and replenishes nutrients. This all adds up to a slowdown in the aging process. Go to a Chinese market and purchase the whole root. Do not buy Siberian ginseng, get the Panax Ginseng or Panax Schinseng.
If you can slowly put each of these steps for looking younger and feeling great into your daily life. You will be able to enjoy life to the fullest, and look great while doing it. So I will end it here with this - "Your most valuable possession in life is your physical well being...... with it you have everything, without it you have nothing." - Dr. Art Mollen.
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