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Fitness Secrets

  1. Aaron Henson
    1. Do You have ABSession?

  2. Adam Kessler
    1. How To Get Your Booty In Shape Before Summer
    2. Pumping a Little Iron Might Just Prevent Osteoporosis

  3. Adi Crnalic
    1. 3 Effective Exercises For Six Pack Abs
    2. 9 Tips to Gain Muscle Mass
    3. Build Big Biceps In 5 Simple Steps

  4. AJ Roberts
    1. 7 Sports Nutrition Tips

  5. Alex Gruezo
    1. Interval Training For Fat Loss and Maximum Calorie Burning Part One
    2. Interval Training For Fat Loss and Maximum Calorie Burning Part Two
    3. NYC Personal Trainer Discusses: Fitness And Traveling

  6. Alton Skinner
    1. A Quick and Easy Dynamic Warmup For Junior Tennis Players
    2. A Quick and Easy Flexibility Program For Junior Tennis Players
    3. Building A Better Junior Tennis Player
    4. Quick and Easy Drills For Improving Junior Tennis Players Speed Agility and Quickness

  7. Andrew Voris
    1. Are Trainers Focusing on Functional Training too Much and not Enough on Fat Loss?
    2. Developing a winning training program!
    3. Feeling Younger Through Stretching
    4. Secret Steps to Good Posture
    5. Using the Functional Movement Screen

  8. Andy Salazar
    1. Get Fit with Resistance Training
    2. Multi-Set Training for Ultimate Fat Burning and Lean Muscle Mass
    3. Reach Your Fitness Goals

  9. Anna Dornier
    1. Concord Fitness Trainer Shares 6 Fitness Tips to Getting in Shape in Less Than 3 Hours a Week

  10. Arnel Ricafranca
    1. Six Pack Abs Expert Reveal The Top 10 Worst Abdominal Exercises

  11. Arthur J. Zanelli
    1. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
    2. Fitness Tips for Travel
    3. Functional Training
    4. How to Jump Higher
    5. Practical Application and Training for Speed

  12. Ben Longley
    1. The Weight Training Mind Set

  13. Bob Keil
    1. Looking Good in Your Jeans through Fitness Training

  14. Bob Mittleman
    1. Practice Makes Perfect”----Or Does It?
    2. Stress and Exercise
    3. Want to improve your exercise routine and accelerate your ability to reach your goals? Train with a Heart Rate Monitor

  15. Bonnie Murphy
    1. Get on the Ball!!
    2. The Miracle of Weight Training

  16. Boyd Myers
    1. Personal Training - Sometimes, the Un-Profession
    2. What is Your Weakest Fitness Link?

  17. Brad Linder
    1. Boot Camp Fitness Programs Shedding Pounds and Trimming Fat
    2. Coppell Area Residents CRAZY For Pushups and Wounded Warroir Project!
    3. Coppell Personal Trainer and Boot Camp Tip - Combating Stress During The Holiday Season
    4. SHOCK Your Body into Burning More Calories in Less Time

  18. Brad Scott
    1. Biking: A Great Alternative to Wearing Out Your Shoes
    2. Don't Take Your Legs for Granted
    3. Fitness Defined - Aerobic Conditioning
    4. Fitness Defined - Anaerobic Strength Conditioning
    5. From Skinny to Muscles with BMR Secrets
    6. Get Great Arms Now
    7. How To Define Your Primary Fitness Goal
    8. How To Get Great Looking Arms Ready For The Movie Screen
    9. How To Increase Your Aerobic Capacity
    10. How to Reap the Benefits of a Good Run
    11. Lower the Weight and Increase Your Strength
    12. Taking it All in Stride
    13. Tips On Building Your Own Home Gym
    14. Where The Heck Are My Abs?

  19. Brian T. Rurak
    1. Exercise: The New Years Resolution. How You Can Stick to Your Goals and Lose Weight.

  20. Bruce Kelly
    1. High Intensity Training: Why You Should Do It
    2. Power: Why Everyone Needs It

  21. Camelia Herndon
    1. Exercise and Your Family
    2. Exercising and the Older Adult
    3. Family Fitness for the Entire Clan
    4. Senior Fitness, Aging Gracefully

  22. Carlos Torres
    1. 5 Biggest Fitness Myths
    2. 8 Biggest Workout Mistakes
    3. 10 Minute Workout
    4. The Gun Show

  23. Chad Cannon
    1. 5 Reasons To Join a Boot Camp Fitness Class
    2. Fit, Firm, Fun
    3. Fitness Inspiration
    4. Fitness Made Simple
    5. Losing weight? If not, Read below! Functional Training is the way to go!
    6. Thirty Minute Fitness

  24. Chris Gray
    1. 3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time
    2. Americans Conditioned To Self Sabotage Fitness Goals
    3. Building A Fitness Foundation
    4. Fitness Expert Reveals Ultimate Secret For Motivation
    5. The Power Of Walking “Man’s Best Medicine"
    6. Too Much Too Soon
    7. Warning-Just Say No To Machines
    8. What's Really Holding You Back - Building The Foundation

  25. Chris Hill
    1. Are You Too Busy For Exercise?
    2. Number One Plateau Buster

  26. Chris McCombs
    1. Morning Fat Burn from an Orange County Renegade Personal Trainer

  27. Chris Scott
    1. 5 Jedi Mind Tricks to Overcome Muscular Plateau
    2. Weight Lifting Injuries No More
    3. Your Best Gains Ever!

  28. Clint Barr
    1. Exercise in a Pill - Don't Believe the Hype!

  29. Clint Howard
    1. 5 Tips for Fitness Success
    2. How to Instantly Shave 5 to 10 Strokes Off Your Golf Game!
    3. Tips for Safe Exercise in Pregnancy

  30. Crystal Reiber
    1. At Home With Your Workout
    2. Family Fitness
    3. Senior Fitness
    4. Working it at Work

  31. Curb Ivanic
    1. How to Avoid Running Injuries
    2. Is Your Workout a Waste of Time?

  32. Dale Andrew
    1. Guelph Fitness Bootcamp: Guelph’s Best Fitness Program!
    2. Realtor Fitness: 17 Jealously Guarded Secrets for Smaller Waists and Bigger Profits for the Physically and Financially Fit Realtor
    3. Realtor Fitness Expert Reveals How Appearance Affects Sales And What Successful Realtors Do About It
    4. The Office Workout: Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do At The Office
    5. What THEY Won’t Tell You About Health Clubs
    6. What THEY Won’t Tell You About Home Gym Equipment
    7. What THEY Won’t Tell You About Personal Trainers
    8. What’s Your Fitness Goal? Why Are You Going to The Gym?
    9. Why Fitness and Fat Loss Bootcamp Programs Are Your Ticket To Fun, Fast, Fat Loss
    10. Why Women Shouldn’t Lift Weights
    11. World’s Top Realtor Fitness Expert Reveals 13 Ways Busy Realtors Can Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat 24/7
    12. World’s Top Realtor Fitness Expert Reveals 5 Secrets Successful Realtors Use To Get More Energy and Get More Listings

  33. Daniel Iversen
    1. How Boot Camp Classes Squelch Negativity

  34. Daniel Remon
    1. 5 Ways to Vary Your Cardio
    2. Exercise for Busy Professionals
    3. Golf Fitness & Conditioning
    4. The Top 25 of Exercise
    5. Workouts that Travel

  35. Dave Gleason
    1. Consistency in Exercise
    2. Get Lost to Get In Shape
    3. Not Your Average Garden Variety Workout

  36. David Bluman
    1. Cross Training for the Summer

  37. David DiFabio
    1. Don't Get Mad, Get Even
    2. Go, Stop, Go
    3. Healthy Weight Gain Guidelines
    4. How to Pimp Your Program
    5. Intervals vs Cardio
    6. Program Design 101
    7. Scheduling Time to Exercise
    8. Stop Acting Like an Adult - Play Like a Kid
    9. The New You Starter Kit

  38. David Herber
    1. How Can I Benefit From Weight Training?
    2. Setting Realistic Body Transformation Goals In Preparation For Your Wedding
    3. Women Who Train With Weights Win Weight-Loss War

  39. David Virgo
    1. Announcing Four Important Reasons For A Fitness-Weight-Loss-Program In Your Bid For Superior Cricket Fitness.
    2. Discover A Simple Secret To Increasing Power in Your Shots and Adding A Yard of Pace To Your Bowling
    3. Discover The Different Forms of Physical Fitness Training That Will Boost Your Cricket Fitness
    4. How Solid POSTURE Fitness Training Will Help Determine The Quality Of Your Cricket Fitness Foundations

  40. David Wehrenberg
    1. 7 Secrets to beating the police drill instructor at his game in physical fitness training and graduate the academy
    2. Fitness Injury Prevention Series Part 1 for Police Recurits and Officers
    3. Fitness Injury Prevention Series Part 2 Examining Knee injuries for Police Recurits and Officers
    4. Fitness Injury Prevention Series Part 3 Ankel injuries for Police Recurits and Officers
    5. Injury Prevention Series Part 4 Acute vs Chronic injuries for Police Recurits and Officers
    6. Five Secret Principles of Physical Exercise Training!

  41. Denis Kanygin
    1. Postural exercises - solution to your lower back pain.
    2. What are Russian Kettlebells and Why It is The Ultimate Training Too

  42. Dennis Carrol
    1. Gym Ghost Members...Are You One?

  43. Diane Rochon
    1. Posture on the Run
    2. Strength For Golf

  44. Doug Jackson
    1. How to Exercise Safely During Pregnancy
    2. How to Stay Motivated During Cardio

  45. Ed Downes
    1. Benefits of Morning Cardio

  46. Eric Johnson
    1. Do you know where to go next? Use these 6 exercises to bring your body to the next level
    2. Faster Reflexes now!
    3. Spend Less Time in the Gym! Lose Fat and Gain Muscle Faster!
    4. Start Here! Read these 5 tips before you begin your training program

  47. Geoff Kalmbach
    1. 5 Fitness Tips for Beginners
    2. Ab Wheel Insanity
    3. How To Deal With Shin Splints
    4. Keeping Fit After 50
    5. More to Core Than You Think

  48. George Hearn
    1. The Case for Explosive Training-Part 1
    2. The Case for Explosive Training-Part 2

  49. Ginny Grupp
    1. Six Steps To Reaching Your Fitness Goals This Year!

  50. Greg Sterner
    1. Stretching For Performance

  51. Gwen Linden-Bruzek
    1. Improve Your Golf Game With Yoga

  52. Han Ayden
    1. Ab Training Increases Waist Size
    2. Cardio Confusion - To Do or Not To Do?

  53. Holly Leonard
    1. 5 Reasons for Failed Body Transormations!
    2. 7 Secrets to Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time From Your Health And Fitness Program!
    3. 10 Things That Keep You from Reaching Your Fitness Potential
    4. 11 Crippling Mistakes of Beginning a Fitness Program

  54. Hut Allred
    1. Arlington In Home Personal Training
    2. Argyle In Home Personal Training
    3. Colleyville In Home Personal Training
    4. Coppell In Home Personal Training
    5. Dallas In Home Personal Training
    6. Fitness Doesn’t End After Three Months
    7. Forth Worth In Home Personal Training
    8. In Fitness, Some People Need a Push
    9. The Biggest Fitness Mistake
    10. Working Toward Fitness

  55. Ibsen Alexandre
    1. Medicine Ball Training At Home
    2. Why Avoiding Cardio and Focus More on Weight Training Will Help YOU get Better Results and Lose Weight Faster

  56. Ingo Loge
    1. Heart Rate Zones, Slow Down, Burn Fat and Unlock The Energy Within!
    2. Warming Up and Cooling Down For Maximum Fat Burning

  57. Jago Holmes
    1. 5 Steps to a Flatter Stomach
    2. Exercise During Pregnancy

  58. James Cipriani
    1. Total Body Transformation: Part 1 - Training
    2. Total Body Transformation: Part 3 - Supplements
    3. Total Body Transformation: Part 4 - Cardio...The Good, The Better, and The Best!
    4. Total Body Tranformation Training: Part 5 - Plateau Busting Through Periodization

  59. Jane Westreich
    1. Keeping Joints Healthy and Strong

  60. Jane Yogel
    1. The Pros of Strength Training

  61. Jason Goggans
    1. Cardiovascular Exercise
    2. Resistance Train To Loose Fat and Look Great

  62. Jason Morgan
    1. Can You Stand The Heat? Exercising Safely During the Summer Months
    2. The Evolution of Physical Fitness

  63. Jason Zaretzky
    1. 7 Components To Optimal Athletic Development
    2. Cardio Before or After - Part I
    3. Exercise Machines Suck
    4. Lifting Weights For Youth Athletes is Dangerous?
    5. Optimal Abs the No Crunch Ab Workout
    6. Personal Trainer Warns Rockland County Residents...Fitness Boot camps are Dangerous!
    7. Strength Training For Athletes
    8. The 7 Secrets To Developing The Complete Athlete
    9. The Best Leg Exercises to Bring Sexy Back
    10. The Need For Speed
    11. The Significance of a sound Strength & Conditioning Program
    12. Top 5 Reasons Why Athletes of All Ages & Levels Need To Participate In a Sound Strength & Conditioning Program
    13. Turn Your Golfing Partners GREEN With Envy
    14. Workout Preparation for Optimal Sports Performance

  64. Joe Thiel
    1. I Don't Want Big Muscles!
    2. The Top 5 Training Myths

  65. John Kent
    1. Are You Sick & Tired Of Not Getting The Results You Want From Your Exercise Program?
    2. When Is The Best Time To Do My Cardio?

  66. John Preston
    1. Designing Resistance Training Workouts
    2. How to Develop an Effective Cardiovascular Exercise Program
    3. Introduction to Workout Design
    4. Periodization: The Personal Trainer's Secret to Designing Exercise Routines
    5. Understanding the Variables of Weight Training

  67. Johnny Grube
    1. Bear Crawls Are A Brutal Fat Burner And Muscle Builder
    2. The 100 Pushups Philosophy

  68. Jolene Goring
    1. 6 Week Dream Body Plan
    2. Fitness For Busy People - The Corporate Edition
    3. How to Design a Home Workout Routine

  69. Jon Ingram
    1. Back to Basics – 5 Simple Ways to get the Results You Want in the Gym
    2. Do You Need Expensive Equipment To Get In Shape?
    3. Find the Elusive Six Pack and Prevent Back Pain

  70. Jonas Deffes
    1. The Perfect 20 Minute Workout
    2. The Right Way to Set and Achieve Your New Orleans Fitness Goals

  71. Jonathan Wong
    1. 3 Real life reasons not to jog
    2. 5 Factors for Fitness Success
    3. 7 Great Gifts For The New Fitness Junkie
    4. Critical Elements of a modern warm-up
    5. What Style to Use

  72. Josue Cano
    1. 3 tips to achieve maximum acceleration for athletic performance
    2. Boxing your way to fitness: burning the calories big time

  73. Julie Prince
    1. Seven Killer Core Secrets - "Quick and Easy To Flatten, Tone, and Tighten Your Tummy”

  74. Lee Smith Jr.
    1. 5 Fitness Lessons I Learned Being in the Military

  75. Ken Karnack
    1. Change Your Workouts, Change Your Workout Intensity!
    2. Online Personal Training Provides Alternative To Weight Loss
    3. The Best Fitness Story Ever Told
    4. The Fitness Program Blueprint

  76. Kenneth Reed
    1. Functional Fitness Training Will Take You To New Heights For Real Life Situations!

  77. Kevin Hensel
    1. Golf Warm-Up Exercises
    2. Stretching 101
    3. Stretching Survival Guide: Lower Body
    4. Stretching: the Forgotten Workout

  78. Kevin Valluzzi
    1. Can Women Get Bulky From Lifting Weights? Slim Chance
    2. Why Interval Trainig is the Best Form of Cardiovascular Exercise For Burning Calories and Losing Weight!
    3. Home Workout VS. Gym Workout There’s No Place Like Home

  79. Kim Ball
    1. How to Get a Flat Stomach
    2. Is Your Cardio A Waste of Time?

  80. Kristin Goodenough
    1. Are you afraid of boot camp? Don't be afraid, it isn't as scary as you think it is! What to expect from your fitness boot camp experience
    2. Are your workouts boring? How to bring out your "inner child" and learn how to play and have fun again while working out!
    3. Attention women: Are you building a strong “pouch” or a “six pack?” 8 Tips to losing your Belly Bulge once and for all!
    4. How to keep your kids from driving you insane this summer!” The smart mom's survival guide to getting kids off the couch and moving their body
    5. Real Women Getting Real RESULTS at Boot Camp!

  81. Larry Johnston
    1. Fitness and People with Mental Disabilities

  82. Lee Smith Jr.
    1. Hundreds of Crunches Doesn't Guarantee a Six Pack

  83. Linda Copeland
    1. Finding Your Fitness Lifestyle – 8 Tips to Get You on Track
    2. The Dirty Dozen: Twelve Exercises, One Pair of Dumbbells
    3. The Fabulous Five: Smokin' Hot Cocktail Dress Workouts

  84. Liz Modrell
    1. Lift to Lose: The Importance of Strength Training for Women
    2. Measuring Fitness Progress
    3. Starting an Exercise Program
    4. Why Work With a Personal Trainer?

  85. Marci Lall
    1. How to Get Rid of Your Arm Flab for Good!
    2. Why Circuit Training Will Help You Lose Weight Faster

  86. Mario Hostios
    1. Exercise away your aches and pains!
    2. Holistic Medicine, Holistic Exercise
    3. Too Much Cardio Can Make You Fat!

  87. Mark Hibbitts
    1. Running When Pregnant and After the Birth? Is It Safe?

  88. Mark Mancilla
    1. Huntington Beach Personal Trainer Reveals the Most Efficient Way to Train
    2. Maximizing Your "Cardio" Exercise
    3. The Battle: Isolation vs Complex Movements
    4. The Key To A Flatter Stomach

  89. Mark Mogavero
    1. Flexibility: The Cornerstone of Any Fitness Program
    2. Machines are NOT safer than Free Weights
    3. Moderate Cardio, Light Weights—How this is keeping people fat
    4. The Best Exercise Out There? The Deadlift

  90. Mark H. Saunders
    1. Overtraining
    2. The basic principles of Training and Nutrition

  91. Mark Tolle
    1. Golf Conditioning Exercises That Can Correct Your Golf Posture, And Help You Hit Longer Drives
    2. How to Use Three Dimensional Exercises To Improve Your Golf Fitness Program

  92. Matt Hill
    1. Resistance Training and What It Really Means

  93. Max Hoyt
    1. 12 Reasons Every Adult Should Weight Train
    2. Fitness Myths Exposed

  94. Michael J. Norwood
    1. Core Training: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

  95. Michael P. Keenan
    1. Cancer Related Fatigue and Exercise
    2. Exercise and Pregnancy: An Overview of Program Design
    3. Fibromyalgia and Exercise: An Overview for Program Design
    4. How we Measure Health and Fitness
    5. Squats verses Leg Extensions: Open and Closed Kinetic Chain and The rationale for Strength and Function

  96. Michael Reyes
    1. 4 Great Fat Burners!
    2. 6 Cheap At-Home Workouts!
    3. 6 Fitness Myths Revealed!

  97. Michelle Cox
    1. Fit At 50 And Beyond
    2. Golf Conditioning For The Golfing Athlete

  98. Mick Kenny
    1. Strength Training For Children

  99. Mike Hansen
    1. At Home Golf Fitness Assessment
    2. Fitness Equipment For Your At Home Golf Workouts
    3. Golf Fitness For Juniors
    4. Stay In The Game of Golf
    5. The Big Five

  100. Natalie Pyles
    1. 5 Key Strategies For Maximizing Muscle Activation When Lifting Weights
    2. 13 Strength Training Guidelines for Children
    3. Exercise and Aging over 50
    4. How to Acheieve Health and Fitness During the Holidays Using Your Own Body-Weight, Pumpkins, And My "Ultra Body- PUMP-kin Workout"
    5. How to Slow Down Aging With Interval Training
    6. If You Think Cardio Alone Burns More Fat? Think Again!
    7. What Every Inspiring Health & Fitness Enthusiast Needs To Know

  101. One to One Wellness Centre
    1. Strength Training is the Key to Successful Anti-Aging

  102. Paula Jager
    1. Baby Boomer Fitness will Keep You Rocking
    2. Free Weights vs. Machines
    3. Women and Strength

  103. Peter Vasilis
    1. Oprah’s Doing It, How About You? Discover The Secrets Of The Latest Fitness Craze!
    2. Weighing In On The Issues of Women & Weight Training - The Fastest Way To That Lean, Fit, Sexy Physique!

  104. Phil Beckett
    1. Basic Home Fitness Guidelines
    2. Body Building Routines Made Simple But Effective
    3. Bodybuilding Tips And Tricks
    4. Home Fitness Machines Shouldn’t Cost You A Fortune
    5. The Best Body Building Supplements Can Make a Difference in Your Body Building Efforts

  105. Rafael Moret
    1. How To Get The FASTEST Fitness Results Working With A Fitness Coach For The Least Amount Of $$$

  106. Randy Gruezo
    1. How Not Working Out Your Lower Body Significantly Reduces Strength Gains For Your Upper Body!!!
    2. Why Our Senior Population Should Train Fast and Why Training Them Not To Is Killing Them!!!
    3. WOMEN ONLY!!! Heavy Weight Training = Toned, Sexy Body!!! PERIOD!!!

  107. Rani Yovetich
    1. Exercise for the Equestrian

  108. Regan Case
    1. Avoid Being "Skinny Fat"
    2. Common Exercise Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
    3. How to Find a Personal Trainer

  109. Richelle Melde
    1. 3 Important Reasons for having a Body Assessment before Personal Training
    2. 5 Reasons Why Boot Camp Workouts Are So Effective
    3. 5 Reasons Why Muscle Building Helps Increase Metabolism
    4. 7 Enemy Exericse Machines
    5. The Squat: A Primal Movement Pattern That Is Critical to Everyday Function

  110. Rita Jagodzinski
    1. The Exercise Secret

  111. Robert Collier
    1. Abdominal training tips for Injury Prevention and Improved Function
    2. Common Causes of Ankle Injury and How You Can Prevent a Re-Injury
    3. How to keep motivated with your exercise programme
    4. The Core - What is it, how does it work and why is it important to connect to your core?

  112. Robert DeWees
    1. 101 Ways to Get Fat
    2. Put A Spring Into Your Step
    3. Time Efficient Training

  113. Robert L. Selders, Jr.
    1. Aging Gracefully. How Training Female Athletes Can Increase Your 'Gray'

  114. Robert Morrison
    1. Choosing a Personal Trainer
    2. Egos and Heroes
    3. How Much can you achieve?
    4. Variation & Stagnation

  115. Rodney Golden
    1. What Cardio Fitness Is All About

  116. Roxayn Daniels
    1. Get Lean & Fit With a “Mini-Circuit” Fitness Program: A Personal Trainer Shares One of Her Favorite Time-Saving, Results Generating Workouts!
    2. Post-Pregnancy Fitness: A Personal Trainer and Mother of Two Provides 6 Tips to Help You Get Started on an Incredible Post-Pregnancy Transformation
    3. Weight Training Advice for Women: How to Avoid 5 Very Common Mistakes Women Make in the Gym and Get Optimal Results in Minimum from Your Strength Training Program

  117. Ryan Kollock
    1. Fitness Success in 5 Steps
    2. Training Guidelines for Pregnant Women

  118. Shannon Corey
    1. Find the Best Personal Trainer For You
    2. No Gym? No Problem!

  119. Shervan Khanna
    1. Health Promotion
    2. The evidence for strength-based rehab for back pain

  120. Shirley Palumbo
    1. Get and Stay Strong Safely

  121. Shondelle Solomon-Miles
    1. Bulking Up": Is This Really A Problem For Women?
    2. To Exercise or Not to Exercise?

  122. Simon Caddy
    1. Biceps Workout for Strength and Size
    2. Boxing - The Best for Overall Fitness
    3. Interval Training Builds Fitness Fast

  123. Stan Small
    1. Fitness Can Be Fun! Really!
    2. In Search of the Elusive Six Pack
    3. Pleasure, Pain, and Fitness

  124. Stephen Holt
    1. Fitness Program Tip - What to Stretch, What to Strengthen
    2. Get Off Your Rear!
    3. How You Can Get Your Fitness Program Back on Track with Simple 8 Steps
    4. Inner Thigh Lies - Discover the Truth about Inner Thigh Exercises
    5. The Truth About Spot Reduction

  125. Stephen Williamson
    1. Philadelphia Personal Trainer Shares 8 Steps to Losing Unwanted Belly

  126. Tim Chudy
    1. Men's Fitness

  127. Tim Rudd
    1. Best Exercise Ever For Flat Abs
    2. Would You Like a Strong, Leaned Toned Body?; Got Core Training!

  128. Timothy Kret
    1. How To Choose A Personal Trainer
    2. Special Report: Choosing a Personal Trainer

  129. Todd Elliott
    1. How To Create Awesome Abs, Just Like The Models You See In The Magazines
    2. Position Your Arms For Maximum Growth

  130. Todd Painter
    1. The 5 Best Exercises to Get a Higher Vertical Jump

  131. Travis Speegle
    1. Stop "Working Out"!

  132. Velma Esprit Garnes
    1. Walking You and Your Family- Healthy for Life

  133. Zach Hunt
    1. 7 Critical Questions You Must Ask Your Spokane Personal Trainer Before Working With Them To Avoid Losing Cash Hand Over Fist