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"Keeping Fit After 50"

By Geoff Kalmbach

Wouldn't it be great if taking care of ourselves in our 20's 30's and 40's all but guaranteed we wouldn't have to worry about it in our 50's 60's and 70's? I'm a firm believer in "age is just a number" and that keeping fit after 50 is a lot easier than people make it out to be.

A number of reasons contribute to the difficult time some people have staying fit after 50. Most are natural changes that occur such as different nutritional needs, slower metabolism, body composition and most notably our activity levels. As we age, our metabolism slows down and the body uses fewer calories to keep it running. However, the biggest reason we have such a hard time keeping fit after 50 is that we burn fewer calories simply because we tend to become less active.

Physical activity and exercise without a doubt, are the best ways to keep fit after 50 and counteract the natural decrease in our metabolisms and sticking to a supportive eating plan ensures your body is getting the right nutrients to maintain lean muscle mass.

Here are some great examples of activities that will stoke the fires for fitness after 50 and aid in keeping balance between the calories you take in and the ones you use up.

- Walking
- Jogging
- Cycling
- Gardening
- Weight training
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Water aerobics

There are countless activities that will help keep you fit after 50 in addition to the ones listed above so its up to you to find out which ones you like most and start to incorporate them into your life.

Several years ago right about the time "Terminator 2" came out I was training a 68-year-old retired attorney. There was quite a buzz being made about Linda Hamilton's body in the movie, and any of you who saw the movie no doubt would agree, she had built quite a physique.

My client worked very hard in the gym and out (nutrition, cardio) and just about two and a half months into it she came in one day and during our warm up started crying.

I asked her what was wrong and she replied nothing, it was just something her granddaughter had said to her right before she left the house to come workout. Her granddaughter gave her a big hug and kiss and when she let go said, "grandma, your arms look just like the ladies in T2". Did I mention she was a 68 year old grandmother?

I love that story and get goose bumps every time I think of it. So for anyone out there thinking you can't get fit after 50, believe me you can.

Keep it simple and safe and remember there is no such thing as bad exercise, as long as you are performing it correctly.

About the Author:

Geoff Kalmbach is a Fitness Expert, columnist, speaker, and Certified Fitness Professional. Geoff has incorporated health and fitness into thousands of lives all over the world. Sign up for his FREE monthly newsletter at