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WOMEN ONLY!!! Heavy Weight Training = Toned, Sexy Body!!! PERIOD!!!

By Randy Gruezo

Most women's weight training programs are filled with many misconceptions about the effects of heavy weight training on women. Most women are not getting the results they deserve from their hard work because of all the confusion surrounding this. This article will be short and sweet, and set the record straight on why women should lift heavy if they are to get their body of their dreams.

The number one reason that most women avoid heavy weight training is because they don't want to get bulky. I'm here to tell you, IT WON'T HAPPEN!!! Sorry I had to get loud. Some people in the back of the room couldn't hear me. I'm not going to get into all the scientific nuances, but it just not going to happen the way you perceive it.

[Sidebar] The main reason why you won't get "bulky" like men is because of hormones, particularly testosterone. Hormonally, testosterone, is the major reason why men and women are so different. I will not go into detail of how testosterone works because it's not within the scope of this article. But, rest assured unless your body miraculously makes more or you put more into your system you will not get bulky.

Most women weight train because they want to develop muscle tone in different body parts. However, most women don't know what being "toned" means. Yeah, I know you can give me a subjective description of what it is, but not really what it means.

Simply put muscle tone is a muscle's readiness to perform work, particularly anaerobic (without oxygen) work. This can be characterize as quick, powerful, fast, etc.. The body is sending that muscle more electricity during rest so it can work in an instant if needed. Basically, a more conditioned muscle is a more toned muscle.

Most women's weight training programs that say help with muscle tone only help to a little degree or don't work at all. The only way to get the muscle excited to do work is to wake it up. The only way you can wake up all your muscles is through lifting heavy weights.

Here's an analogy. In the summer people use their air conditioners and strain the main power grid. Which scenario does the main grid work harder or need more power. When there are few air conditioners on or when everybody turns on their air conditioners? The answer is obvious.

I know it's a simple analogy, but that is how your brain works. Working with the same scenario, which situation you think the power company will prepare more for the next time around the former or latter. I think you get my point. That is the same type of response your body will have with heavy weight training. Hence, the reason why lifting heavy has to be a component of any fitness program where the goal is to get muscle tone.

I hope this gets your mind thinking a little bit about all the women's weight training programs out there. It is not my intent to change your mind, but only to have you question what you've been doing already. Through that questioning and more knowledge (me), I hope you get to a point of enlightenment whether we end up at the same conclusion.

About the Author:

Randy Gruezo helps dedicated and busy individuals achieve, at once unbelievable, elite levels of fitness in Miramar, Florida and surrounding neighborhoods. His unconventional, yet highly effective and time efficient fitness solutions are all backed by a 100% money back guarantee. Get his Free Report "5 Deadly Mistakes That Will Stop Your Fat Loss Attempt Dead In It's Track, and What To Do About It!" and more by going to his website