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Is Your Workout a Waste of Time?

By Curb Ivanic

Have you ever looked around the gym and watched people workout? I'll admit I have. I've seen some people who are dressed to workout and they're going through the motions of exercising but I'm left wondering if their time was better spent elsewhere.

It may seem rather odd to hear a fitness professional saying that going to the gym is a waste of time. For some people though, I'd argue that it is. I see people using incorrect form, taking rest breaks the length of an ice age and spending the majority of their time socializing. And then they wonder why they don't see any results.

Now I have nothing against talking to other people and being friendly. Nor am I against taking lengthy rest breaks if your training goals and phase call for this. And bad form may be the result of misunderstanding or simply not knowing. But if you're after results that's not the way to get them.

Your workout doesn't need to take a long time to be effective. You can do a killer strength workout in as little as 20 minutes that will work your entire body and leave you pretty well exhausted. You could do an awesome fat-burning cardiovascular workout in the same amount of time as well.

Incorrect form is at best counterproductive. Bad technique means you aren't using the target muscle or group of muscles. You'll compensate by using other muscles which can overdevelop the wrong muscles, groove incorrect patterns in your neuromuscular system and in the worst case, lead to injury.

Here are four simple things you can do to make the most out of your time in the gym:

  1. Know why you're there. Do you have a specific goal? If not, you better take the time to think of at least one. Have a purpose for being at the gym. Visualize your goal as if it's been achieved. This will motivate you and drive you to push ahead.
  2. Stay focussed on the task at hand. Review your goal(s) before your workout and then again afterward. Visualize your goal during your workout to keep you from getting sidetracked.
  3. Know what you're doing. Align your methods with your goal. Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Develop strength, speed or endurance? Improve on the court or on the field? Different goals require different techniques so do your homework and find out what's the best way to accomplish your goal. Know what type of workout is required and how to execute it.
  4. Hire a fitness coach. I know my opinion may be biased but let me ask you this. Would you go into court without an attorney? Would you file a complex tax claim without an accountant?

Well you might but you're better off getting the advice of an expert. And that's what professional trainers are, experts in the field of fitness.

A qualified and competent trainer can design an effective workout, make sure you understand how to execute the exercises properly and progress you in a timely fashion.

Athletes have coaches. Even the best athletes in the world use a coach. They understand the benefit of working with someone who will hone their skills and abilities to a peak in order to reach their goals.

Get the most out of your time in the gym. It doesn't mean you can't have fun, just realize your workouts are steps you take towards your goal. Make each one count and you'll reach your goal that much quicker.

About the Author:

Curb Ivanic has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, holds the highest level certifications from the NSCA and NASM and is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor Level 1. His company Ultra Fitness has helped hundreds of clients in Vancouver, BC to reach their health & fitness goals. Contact him at