Do You have ABSession?
By Aaron Henson
Our modern society has an obsession with the cosmetic appearance of the rectus Abdominus. Commonly referred to as abs, everyone wants to look great at the lake or pool displaying their "six pack" like a badge of honor! Any gym or health club you visit, the chance of spotting absession is good.
People spending countless hours cranking out situps, crunches and other abdomen stimulating exercises in hopes of gaining the elusive six-pack abs. The problem with this approach is that our bodies don't allow us to spot reduce body fat from a particular area. The best analogy for this concept is to compare body fat to fallen snow on the ground (considering local temperatures this may be tough to visualize) everyone knows that snow melts quicker in sunnier areas than in the shade.
Men typically store most of their fat in their abdomen while women typically in the gluteus maximuss and thighs. Consider the respective areas to be in the shade. The fat will melt but is generally the last spot to do so. Back to ABSession!!
The best course of action to take to build a stomach to make your neighbors covet is through overall body fat reduction. Three equally important factors to remember are diet, cardio, resistance training. The goal is to burn more calories than we consume. Cardio should be performed at a minimum of 60% of your maximum heart rate point were energy comes from fat stores. (220-age= max heart rate X .60= Training heart rate) Most gyms have cardio equipment that measures heart rate and a program for fat burning that are very user friendly.
In resistance training focus on compound exercises like presses, squats, and pull downs these use several muscle groups and burn lots of calories. If you're unsure about proper diet, or how to perform exercises the internet is a valuable tool to learn more. Pick up a book from a local bookstore or find a personal trainer or fitness coach for some hands on education and training.
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