How to Design a Home Workout Routine
By Jolene Goring
More and more people are turning to home workout routines because not everyone enjoys going to the gym, or can even afford to go to the gym in today's economy. Many people are choosing to do a home workout instead. Working out at home can be just as effective as going to the gym. There is no excuse for missing a workout because you have everything right in your house!
What Equipment Do I Need For A Home Workout?
Initially, you need nothing! That's right, you can do body weight exercises that are very effective and produce amazing results. Eventually you will likely want to purchase some basic equipment. The first thing that you should buy is a yoga mat. You can use this for stretching as well as practicing yoga. Next you should purchase a jump rope. This is a great tool to use for cardio, both indoors and out. You can also easily take it with you when you travel. After that, it is up to you where you want your workouts to go. If you like to do workout videos, there are many excellent videos on the market. If you prefer to do your own workout routines, then investing in some hand weights may be a good idea. If you are just starting out with a weight lifting routine then you can even use soup cans or any household materials as weights until you get stronger. Be creative!
How Do I Design My Own Home Workout Routine?
The best way to maximize the calories burned while building muscle is to use a technique called supersets. This involves working different muscles groups one after another, without rest in between. An example superset home workout routine would be:
- 5 minutes: Jump rope to warm up and burn calories
- 15 pushups
- 15 squats
- 15 tricep dips
- 15 lunges
- 15 situps
Go back to the top using the jump rope and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
What is the Ideal Home Workout Plan?
Ideally you will do a combination of cardio or workout videos along with your own workout plan. Do your weights workout routine 3 times per week, and do a workout video or cardio of your choice 2 times per week. Mix it up as much as you can to continuously shock your muscles. This is an intense training schedule, but if you follow it you will have amazing results in no time, all without going to the gym!
About the Author:
Jolene Goring is a leading health and fitness expert based in Scottsdale, AZ. She has been featured in USA Today, on Sonoran Living TV, and has recently been named one of ‘America’s Premier Fitness Experts.’ She is also a featured personal trainer in various fitness videos, and is a co-author for the exciting new fitness book “Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger.”
Jolene has been involved in the health and fitness industry for 12 years. She has taught yoga on the beach in Mexico, studied belly dancing in Egypt, traveled the world as a fitness model, taught snowboarding in Canada, and studied yoga in an ashram in India. She has trained with personal trainers and participated in extreme sports worldwide. She has her Bachelor of Science degree, and numerous health, nutrition, and fitness certifications. Jolene is always looking for new challenges, and her next big adventures will be hiking to the base camp of Everest, and learning how to skydive!
Jolene is the Fitness Director of Geo-Fit Personal Training, an exclusive personal training company based in Scottsdale, AZ. Geo-Fit utilizes different fitness techniques from around the world, to provide the most fun, effective, and safest workouts available. Go to for your FREE Celebrity Metabolism Boosters Report!