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Functional Fitness Training Will Take You To New Heights For Real Life Situations!

By Kenneth Reed

Have you ever felt like climbing a flight of stairs was a chore, carrying groceries were like carrying an overweight child or doing yard work was like working on a farm? These activities require you to support your own bodyweight, like standing and bending and carrying stuff. If you are walking down the street and you slip on a patch of ice you will need to fire muscles in your legs, abdomen, lower back even your toes simultaneously to quickly stabilize your body and keep yourself from falling. Your body needs to work as a unit. Functional fitness should be a priority along with weight training and cardiovascular training.

Did you know that form follows function? Older adults require better coordination, balance and posture, this is critical for everyday life. Training for life will prepare your body so it can perform daily activities like climbing stairs, lifting things, walking and bending without discomfort, pain or injury.

Functional fitness training challenges the body to work as a whole, firing up the muscles in the correct pattern unlike machines. When training you should use multiple muscle groups in an integrated fashion to get real life benefits of resistance training. Weight training machines isolates single muscle groups, this was originally developed for bodybuilders to get stronger and bigger. This is an essential component for any fitness program. To get the total synergy your body needs you need to have functional fitness training in your exercise program. A well rounded fitness program should incorporate some functional fitness training.

For those trying to lose weight, training on a stability ball is very helpful. While working on the ball you activate muscles deep in the pelvis, back, abdominals and hips every time the ball moves. More calories are burned, and more muscle is built due to the increased of muscle activity. Stronger muscles further enhance function by stabilizing joints, reducing the risks of falls, and improving balance and coordination. Muscle strength can be greatly improved by as little as eight weeks of resistance and functional training.

Exercise equipment needed for functional fitness training

With functional fitness training you'll have more fun and maximize human performance for real life situations.

About the Author:

Kenneth Reed is a AAAI-ISMA Certified Personal Trainer, Author of the book Entitled ?Which Strengthens Me Founder and Owner of Fit For Life Personal Training Center 9006 Liberty Road - Randallstown, MD Office Visit me on the web at: or