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How Much can Females achieve? And How..

By Robert Morrison

Achieving your fitness goals is the most rewarding experience. Quite often, it spurs people on to bigger and better goals. But how far can you go? How much can your body change over a period of time. As a Personal Fitness Trainer dealing with physique transformations, I can tell you the results are often astounding! For Females in the 18-30 age group, a change of 3-4 dress sizes in 12 weeks is very achievable. This obviously is for those who need to lose it- no size zeros please! One client in particular lost over 8 inches on her waist in 12 weeks. Her shape was changed completely. How was this achieved?

  1. calorie cycling and
  2. Intense resistance training
  3. Intense self belief (this is the critical part)

Even females in the 30-50 age group experience a loss of 1-2 dress sizes in the same period. This is the very minimum results among the highly motivated! Lets look at the points above in more detail.

  1. Calorie cycling- do not ever stick to the same diet plan for more than a few days. Continually change the foodstuffs(macronutrients) and cycle calories in order to prevent your body from adapting to your diet (and slowing your metabolism). You would be surprised how much difference this makes in achieving your goals. High protein low carb diets are shown be effective, but one thing to remember is that the body adapts to this also. One way is to reduce protein intake for a week, then increase again along with a accompanying carbohydrate reduction.
  2. Intense Resistance Training - Without this, you are only getting half the picture. Less even!, I have the majority of my clients perform resistance training as the main part of their workouts. Cardio is only performed to the necessary level (athletes, general public etc). Visual changes are the most satisfying so combine this with the facts.

    • Weight training increases metabolism
    • Weight training favours a more balanced hormonal environment
    • Weight training trains the heart and lungs also
    • Weight training prevents or slows muscle loss with ageing (very important with females)

    So ask yourself, with all the above positives and NO negatives, how can you resist? Pardon the pun.

  3. Intense self belief - The most important factor! Without a positive mental attitude you are never going to get there. What gets you going? what motivates you? Music? Friends? Fear of failure? Whatever it is, make it the most accessable thing in your life. Enhance the things that motivate you. Eliminate those things which bring you down. Whether that's people, self doubt etc..just eliminate them from your life!

That may sound harsh, but I ask , how badly do you want it? Do you want to lose 3 dress sizes in 3 months? I urge you to start today. Right now, wherever you are , whatever you are doing. Believe in yourself, and start maximising your potential!

About the Author:

Robert Morrison is a Certified Fitness Clinician with the IART. He operates RM Health & Fitness in Cork, Ireland. He has been published in Synergy 2006 and is due to be published in Synergy 2007. He can be contacted via his website