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Starting an Exercise Program

By Liz Modrell

You have a goal to lose weight, build muscle or just feel better, but where do you start with your exercise program? Going into the gym can be overwhelming, but going without a plan is like taking off on a trip without a map. In either case you will probably end up lost and frustrated because you are not reaching your destination. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Find a qualified personal trainer to design an exercise program of strength training, aerobic exercise and flexibility based upon your health and goals. The personal trainer should also be knowledgeable in basic nutrition.

When you step into the gym don't compare yourself to other exercisers. Many of them have been working out for years, but most started in the same place you are now. Don't try to copy them, chances are you won't be able to keep up and you might get hurt. You need to set realistic goals to keep you motivated and focus on what you want to accomplish and not what others are doing. Starting an exercise program takes steps in progression. You need to start slow and increase as your body responds.

Optimally you need three to five exercise sessions per week depending on your goals. Also try to be active on the other days as well. Walk or ride your bike instead of driving when you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park at the far end of the lot and walk. The idea is to keep the body doing what it was meant to do, move.

Many beginner exercisers believe they need hours and hours of aerobic exercise (cardio) for fat loss. The truth is aerobic exercise does help to burn body fat, but does very little to increase metabolism and too much cardio can actually slow down your metabolism by burning precious muscle tissue. Strength training is especially important in your exercise program if weight loss is your goal. Muscle tissue increases your metabolism meaning the more muscle you have, the more calories you will be burning 24 hours per day.

No matter how many infomercials or advertisements you see promising quick weight loss by buying some new exercise device, popping a pill, drinking a shake or undergoing a surgical procedure, there is no quick and easy way to lose weight and get in shape. You need the total package. Your exercise program must include all the components, strength training, aerobic exercise, flexibility and balanced nutrition. If one component is missing chances are you will not get the results you are after.

You should always check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program, especially if you have a medical condition or other concerns.

About the Author:

Liz Modrell is a certified personal trainer with over 20 years experience working with those new to exercise, starting over, overweight and sedentary individuals in Burlington, IA and surrounding communities. Her website is