Family fitness is not a new concept. It is actually quite old and somewhat forgotten. Just pick up any health magazine or youth-oriented statistic and you will be appalled, and should be!!! With 85% out of 300,000 school-aged children diagnosed with adult onset diabetes, the average child taking in 5 hours of television PLUS playing video games, peer pressure, and the eating disorders, low self esteem, and the list goes on and on, you get the picture and it isn't pretty.
Today's youth are lacking in direction of creativity to "get moving", get healthy, and maintain that level for any length of time. Why? The instant gratitude of society with the internet, television, video games explosion, and much more in this throw away society is part of it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of it, as long as it is regulated,done in moderation. Just as over-indulgence in food can lead to issues on the negative side of fitness, so can the lack of getting out and moving, learning the healthy choices and putting them into practice, and the improved sense of health and accomplishment that goes with that.
So, take a look at another aspect. Parents who work, come home tired and may spend little or no time with their children and plop down to be a big sofa spud. Kids learn by example and what kind of example is that if that is you? Encourage your kids to get outside. Challenge them to a game of hoops, hit the bike trail, go on a hike, go to the playground and just be a kid with them, hoola hoop, it doesn't matter "what" just be like Nike says, "do it"! Join in community clean up projects or other interests. Have a "clean up day" at your own residence...yard, garage, attic, whatever and let the family join together. I know it's hard with this fast pace we often live or think we live, but there is no better investment you can give to anyone, especially your child/children, or yourself than to take time. How much time? 30 mins a day would be awesome, but more is even better and if it has to be in smaller increments, so be it. Pretty soon you'll see your kid(s) creativity emerge as he/she/they think of activities that they want to explore and challenge you. Make up games or contests. Invite another family to join and play teams. Go back to the basics of tug of war, 3-legged races, potato sack races, toss horseshows, badmitton, hiking, biking, trail blazing, obstacle courses in your back yard or local park, etc. Come on, let the kid out of YOU and see that kid of yours come to you!
Crystal Reiber is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Fitness Therapist located in Somerset, PA. She is a sought after motivational speaker and her passion certainly is "crystal clear". Crystal is a product of her own fitness quest. Her website is
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