What Every Parent Needs to Know About Resistance-Training
Guidelines for Children and Adolescents
By Natalie Pyles
13 Strength Training Guidelines for Children and Adolescents
Undergo physical and medical check-ups before training. Use strength training as only one of a variety of sport and fitness activities.
Use calisthenics to initially build muscle endurance and strength.
Use a variety of training methods: Calisthenics, free weights, machines.
Always develop proper technique first, with low resistance. Progress from low resistance and high repetitions to higher resistance and fewer repetitions.
Exercise muscles through their full range of motion. Restrict strength-training exercise to three times a week. Use a circuit system approach to maximize cardiovascular fitness.
Avoid emphasis on negative or eccentric exercise (e.g. lowering heavy weights).
Include warm-up before training and flexibility exercises after training.
Provide constant and experienced adult supervision. Heed pain as a warning, and seek medical advice.
1. Strength Training for Young Adults, Contemporary Books, Inc., Chicago.
2. The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
About the Author:
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is WWW.MyfitnessElements.com. You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !