How To Get Great Looking Arms Ready For The Movie Screen
By Brad Scott
Although very functional in everyday life, the biceps are more known for their visual appeal. If you asked anyone on street to make a muscle, the typical response would be to flex their arm. Great looking arms start with the biceps.
To develop the biceps into strong a functional muscle group with a sexy look is actually quite easy. And great looking biceps look good on both men and women.
The anatomy of the biceps is rather simple. Bi mean two and the biceps are composed of two major muscle groups. These major muscles extend from the shoulder down to the forearm. The trick in conditioning the biceps comes from how they wrap around the bones in the forearm. This is the main reason why you will see people in the gym using multiple grips for bicep curls.
To simplify this conditioning I recommend 1 exercise using 2 different grips. Using a straight weight bar, hang the bar down in front of the body. Curl the bar up to your chest using your bicep muscles. Do 4-6 sets of this exercise, 2 with an overhand grip and 2 with an underhand grip.
Great looking triceps complete the look of great looking arms. Triceps are typically either overworked or underworked.
Men typically do more exercises involving the triceps such as push-ups, bench press and the shoulder press. They will also exercise the triceps in addition to the previous exercises mentioned.
Women on the other hand typically do not perform many of the above mentioned exercises. They think it will make them look bulky and manly.
Whether you are a man or a woman, you need to exercise your triceps. This will prevent your arms from continuing to wave bye-bye even after your hand has stopped. Training the biceps is different depending on your current exercise routine. If you do perform exercises such as chest and shoulder presses, you will only need to do 1 or 2 sets of triceps isolation exercises to augment your training. If you do not do the press exercises you should increase the triceps exercises to 4-6 sets.
The triceps are a series of three muscle groups in the back of the arm. When developed well they can give the appearance of a horseshoe. Like the biceps, the position of the hand determines which muscle group is hit the most during exercise. There are numerous exercises which isolate and condition the triceps. For simplicity I recommend doing tricep Pulldowns. Do 1-3 sets with an overhand grip and 1-3 sets with an underhand grip. The number of sets depends on any press exercises you do as mentioned earlier.
Exercising the triceps as well as the biceps will give you fantastic and full looking arms from any angle and ready for Hollywood in no time.
Live for the Moment.....Exercise for Life
About the Author:
Brad Scott is Owner and President of Sport and Life Fitness in Melbourne Florida. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Specialist in Sports Conditioning with the International Sports Sciences Association. With over 20 years of experience, Brad offers a wide variety of fitness solutions for most anyone. Visit him online at today and start your fitness journey.