There is a fair chance throughout your playing life posture hasn't been a focus for you in your fitness preperation for cricket. Speaking from experience I didn't give it a thought when I was playing. I can't say I regret not thinking about it because it just wasn't considered as a means of improving yourself physically and unfortunately still isn't.
What I am trying to rectify is that as a cricketer you become informed of this extremely valuable training phase and begin to at the very least investigate how it can help you. The following information will tell you simply why conditioning programs for cricketers at present are not creating great results due to the lack of proper body alignment. In fact alot of problems are being created because of this fact.
Fist of all a common scenario is as follows. The first day of pre-season training and we run for an extended period of time pounding the oval or the pavement. All in the name of trying to get fit for cricket season. Here is where the trouble starts. If your body has problems with it's alignment and set up, by training in this manner you will be causing micro traumas(little injuries) to your body.
Instability in your joints and muscles due to bad set up will be creating incorrect movement patterns and setting you up for major injuries. This may also assist in producing compensatory movements within the body to cover for these bad movement patterns. All in all not a good scenario for you the cricketer that is aiming for improvements.
The next factor is when you set yourself to get fit and ready for cricket it usually involves some sort of strength training even if it is just push-ups and sit-ups.You may even have taken youself to a gym to further your preperation. Great however if your alignment isn't correct you are going to be recruiting muscles that you shouldn't be. Even doing sit-ups and push-ups is a very demanding exercise and if not done properly can increase your chances of injury. As an example I think every one knows someone with a back complaint. I bet there is one in your team.
The last point I feel very strongly about is the big focus of pre-season training (apart from getting fit for playing the game) is bettering your technique for the upcoming season. Your incorrect movement patterns will not allow you to move efficiently and get into positions ideally required for optimal skill and technique adoption. That is why I am convinced this factor contributes highly in skill and technical deficiencies in cricketers today. I am going to leave it there however I will definitely be covering other issues involving this topic in depth.
I will leave you with this thought. Would you build a house with a faulty foundation. Cracks in the concrete slab and uneven in places? Of course not(Not deliberately anyway). So why do we try to become fitter and more skilled in this great game of cricket before we build and set our own proper foundations. The effort spent on doing this will be a smart investment in your life as a cricketer.Posture fitness training for cricket is a must if you are serious about your cricket.
David Virgo is a Certified Master Trainer who is registered with Fitness Australia as a Fitness Professional. David has also played cricket with distinction at a high level. His website is
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