Exercise and Aging (Over 50) That Makes Life Say an Overwhelming Yes!
By Natalie Pyles
Discover why Top Fitness and Weight-loss Expert continues to help so many Aging Americans enjoy "Unexplainable" Breakthroughs, and truly massive personal Gains!
Musculoskeletal function can be determined by having clients complete the following functional capacity assessments from the ACSOL Resource Manual for guidlines for exercise testing and prescription.
Do you have difficulty picking up a small child?
Do you have difficulty carrying a 10-pound bag of groceries?
Do you have difficulty performing household chores?
Do you have difficulty climbing a flight of stairs?
Do you have difficulty getting in and out of a car or a bathtub?
Do you have difficulty opening a jar of food?
If You answered "yes" to any of these questions, it is an indication that significant losses in strength have occurred and a well-designed resistance-training program is well advised.
Some exercises, such as swimming, square dancing and light aerobics are particularly well suited for elderly, while more strenuous activities may require a level of fitness that comes after years of conditioning.
If your interested in Learning more and having Natalie design an exercise program for you then keep these facts in mind older adults need special considerations that are specific to their needs.
About the Author:
Natalie Pyles is the owner & CEO of Fitness Elements & Associates LLC. She is a Fitness & Nutritional Expert, Wellness Coach, Author, & Speaker. Her website is WWW.MyfitnessElements.com. You can call her for a FREE Consultation at !