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5 Fitness Tips for Beginners

By Geoff Kalmbach

There are hundreds of tips to follow when taking on a fitness program and I felt it was my turn to throw out a couple. In no particular order here are some great fitness guidelines to keep in mind when beginning an exercise program.

  1. First and foremost get clearance from your Physician before starting any and all fitness programs.
  2. Drink Water and Eat! The best advice for those of you starting an exercise program is to train yourself to drink 1 gallon of water every day and eat 4-6 supportive meals. Be sure those meals consist of whole food sources of proteins, fats and carbs with portions aligned correctly with your goals.
  3. Master Bodyweight moves first! A lot of beginners make the mistake of doing what everyone else is doing. First problem with this is most likely everyone else is doing something wrong. Train for your goals at your pace. Master your own bodyweight before you jump into free weights, machines and cables. There is no point in doing bench press if you can't do perfect push-ups. It's useless to perform leg extensions or leg curls if you have yet to perfect free squats with your own bodyweight (stay away from leg extensions regardless). Bodyweight moves first then a steady combination of bodyweight moves, machines, free weights and cables.
  4. You don't live life sitting down, so don't train sitting down.
  5. Quick Intense Cardio! As for cardio, if you have to do it, do it quick. 30 minutes of intense interval type 'stuff'. I for one have all my clients burn their calories thru resistance workouts but if you love cardio, keep it short, intense and always progress. Don't fall into the trap of doing the same thing over and over and over, mix it up. Once you can ride the bike for 5 miles you must increase the resistance, the time or the distance in order to ensure continued success.

These 5 fitness tips should definitely get you off on the right foot. Remember that your long and short term success will be guaranteed by the consistent incorporation of resistance training, better eating habits and increased activity. Keep it safe and simple.

About the Author:

Geoff Kalmbach is a Fitness Expert, columnist, speaker, and Certified Fitness Professional. Geoff has incorporated health and fitness into thousands of lives all over the world. Sign up for his FREE monthly newsletter at