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Choosing a Personal Trainer

By Robert Morrison

It seems that every second person wants to jump on the Personal Trainer bandwagon lately. Online courses, little licensure (at least in Europe) and low standards of education all make it easier for anyone to set up a business offering 'miracle results for you'.

So as a consumer, how do you go about choosing the right trainer? Lets keep it clear and concise...

Three points: Image, Education and Results.

Well firstly, look past the permatan and smooth talker. Image is often everything in this business but having a nice smile and smooth talking isn't going to get you to your goals!

Everyone likes a good salesman and for the most part, Personal Trainers are well versed at selling you their product(s). Don't be afraid to ask the difficult questions:

How many clients do they have, how many achieve results. Do they offer a money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with the service.

Secondly you have to look at education. Why I used the word education instead of certification is that the vast majority of certification companies offer little more than assembly line, easy to complete courses with little accountability for the Trainers standards. Too often, trainers think they are "made" once they have completed one of these courses and do little to educate themselves beyond these. Would you entrust these people with your health? Ask them have they written articles, studied any other material in detail, Have they tried their methods on themselves?.. ARE THEY AN EXPERT???

Thirdly, look for their results. If they cannot give you figures in the high 90% category then walk away. No amount of image or qualifications are going to get results for you if the trainer is struggling to achieve them with everyone else!

Buyer beware!

About the Author:

Robert Morrison is a Certified Fitness Clinician with the IART. He operates RM Health & Fitness in Cork, Ireland. He has been published in Synergy 2006 and is due to be published in Synergy 2007. He can be contacted via his website