How to Pimp Your Program
By David DiFabio
Consider this article as a supplement to my "Program Design 101" article in which I described the ideas for designing different weight-training routines for various fitness goals. Once you understand the basics of program design, there are numerous other advanced tricks for pimping your program and eliciting greater gains. One trick is to pre-excite, potentiate, or "prime" your central nervous system in an attempt to fire more motor units (nerves and muscle fibers) at a faster rate for maximal performance. One technique I use with collegiate soccer players is to do a couple sets of squat jumps or low level depth and box jumps BEFORE a set of squats to turn on the CNS. This allows them to move more weight than usual during the subsequent sets of squats. Some players thought their improved squat performance was just a fluke. Therefore, to prove that "priming" works, I've tested their vertical leap with a JUST-JUMP platform before and after a CNS-priming workout. Sure enough, their vertical was higher after the workout even though they'd been expending energy.
It might be difficult to execute certain plyometric exercises at certain gyms. Don't fret, you can still "prime" the CNS for better performance with more traditional exercises involving stabilized sets and back-off sets.
Let's face it; most of us have one overall goal. Were trying to add strength by gaining mass. The trick is to pimp your program by adding volume without compromising the amount of weight you're able to use. That's tricky because we know that volume can tire you out and the weight would have to come down. Hopefully not on you though. That unfortunate mishap would be a graphic illustration of the inverse relationship between volume and load. That being said you can use a "stabilized set" to prime the CNS and increase volume without decreasing load. Let's say you usually do 3 sets of 5 reps of 90 lbs DB Chest Press with 1.5 minutes of rest between sets. Now add on a 4th set of Barbell Chest Press after that. Pressing those heavy DBs has fired up a large number of motor units. Furthermore the barbell requires less balance and thus doesn't stress the "weak link" stabilizing muscles that quit on you first during the DB Press. Therefore with those tired, smaller muscles less involved you should still be able to press out a 180 lb bar bench press for even more reps than you did with the 90 lb DBs. If you're already using a barbell, you could always move to a machine.
If the mention of "machines" just made you shudder, take a look at this example involving a "back-off set" Let's say you do a set of six squats. You would then do a very heavy set for 1 rep (not quite your 1 RM, but close). Then repeat that sequence. Finally you would "back-off" for one or two more sets. The weight would be low enough to handle 10 to 15 reps, but it would still be greater than the weight you typically use for 10 to 15 reps because you have primed the CNS with the previous heavy squats. The idea is to build more strength in the high-end rep ranges, increase muscle endurance, and get enough overall volume for hypertrophy. Happy program pimping!
About the Author:
Dave DiFabio MA, CSCS, USAW, is the Founder of
Team Speed Fitness. He is also a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Professor at Rutgers University. Dave is also available for online personal training.
Dave has 12 years of training experience and holds a Masters and Bachelors in Exercise Physiology. He is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association and by USA Weightlifting. Dave’s clientele includes collegiate and high school athletes, adults and children, and those with special needs or medical concerns. Dave is a regular contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine and has coauthored two research studies dealing with antioxidant supplementation and overtraining. The results of the above studies were presented at the American College of Sports Medicine's 52nd and 53rd Annual Meetings. Dave can be reached via his website Be sure to view the free “Food for Fitness” videos to learn how to make intelligent, healthy choices at the supermarket.