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The Fitness Program Blueprint

By Ken Karnack

By now I am sure you have heard about the great fitness programs out there; low carb fitness programs, high protein, high reps for fat loss, 6 minutes a day for rock hard abs, the beach body workout, and 10 minutes of butt blasters will get you in shape fast. Well my friend, I am here to tell you that after 20 years of being in the trenches with all kinds of athletes and fitness professionals, there is still one thing that stands the test of time! SCIENCE! I have yet to see someone come to me and say that they followed this new REVOLUTIONARY fitness program and in only minutes a day, they got in fantastic shape. Never have I had a health club member, client, fellow personal trainer, fitness model, bodybuilder, or friend say, I just dieted and got in good shape, nor have I ever seen anyone get leaner from diet pills.

I myself have tried many diet pills and nutritional products over the years and still I have not seen dramatic results in my fitness program nor have I followed some special diet plan with out exercising and saw results. So why am I telling you this?

Because for the mass majority, we can't just go and workout and whip ourselves into shape. It takes time, patience and a lot of planning. Yes, there are some of your friends that just had a baby and got back to their weight in a few weeks. Yes. There are others who go to the gym and eat anything they want and they have their six pack back again in a few weeks. Well, we hate these people! I have had a six pack and it only cost me $6.99 at the local convenience store. OK, just kidding. But I was cut once, but it took too many band aides to keep me patched up.

A little fitness humor…

Seriously! If you're really looking to get into fantastic shape in a very short time, I would tell you to speak with fitness professional or a personal trainer and get a plan? Most times we see people struggling to get in shape, churning on the cardio, lifting so much weight they can't walk for days and still stuck? Why?

Remember that word from above? SCIENCE! Well there is something to it. It refers to any systematic or practice. So then how would we ever get into shape if by definition states that we have to learn something or follow a system? McDonald's follows a system and it never fails. You cook a burger, you toast a bun, you top it, and you wrap it and then serve. It is that simple. A few years ago there were a few articles that had a list of the fitness products and gimmicks that were on TV and on the store shelves. I do not remember the exact number, but it was a little overwhelming. Hundreds upon thousands were reported all telling us that we will burn fat like no tomorrow. They are selling hope! And yet as a society we are getting fatter by the minute. Obesity is at an all time high and growing. No pun intended. We tried fat free, low carb, diet pills that burn belly fat, come on, really? What is next a no protein diet rich in aloe juice and mangosteen?

Where does it end?

Here is a great add campaign you could use!

Research shows that drinking one serving of Mango and aloe per day combined with a high fiber, high multi grain diet, with only 30 grams of protein per day will reduce your hips, thighs, arms and that hard to lose belly fat once in for all. Oh, yea, and in only 5 minutes a day!

Studies reveal that too much protein is clogging up your system with toxins and storing too much fat in your stomach. You get the idea.

If it were only that easy, right? Well, it isn't that far out of your reach. For years we have helped people get into fantastic shape and some good shape. But the reality of it is that we can only help so many. THOSE WHO COMMIT TO CHANGE!

Let's see if we map out a Fitness Blueprint for you that make sense. That is easy to follow. That is based on the rules of Science. That anyone who is breathing can do with a little planning and effort.

I have listed 10 tips for you to get started on the right track.

  1. Set a realistic goal: Have a plan. This is your blueprint. Write it down and make it clear and concise. No written plan is a recipe for disaster. Microsoft had a plan, and so does Tiger Woods. When he was 5 years old he told the media that he would be a pro. Look at him now.

    Try this: I will prepare my foods in advance for the next day knowing I am busy at work and with my kids. I will meet with a personal trainer one time per week because I know it will keep me accountable and have him update my fitness program, monitor my body fat, and make changes in my weight lifting program when I begin to plateau. I will schedule my weight, cardio, and meals so I never miss and get the fastest results possible. Overall I WILL reduce my body fat by 10% and be ready for summer. I will learn how to train my core stability so that I can compete in nest years corporate golf tournament not have a sore back for a week afterwards. No excuses. WOW. Now that is a goal.

  2. Be Accountable for my fitness program. No one will do it for you. Even if you're not ready to use a personal trainer, it is ok. Not everyone needs one. I can't believe just said that, but it is true. There are many people who do amazing things with their fitness programs and totally transform their lives. The others? Well we are waiting to meet you. Repeat #1, schedule, prepare and write it down.

  3. Track your progress. Get a journal and start keeping track. Back over a hundred years ago, a study was conducted with Harvard students that tracked information and saw a 90% increase retention rate with their studies. All business has a tracking method, do you? Track your workouts, weights, cardio, food, even your moods can have a positive impact on your fitness and health. We offer an online fitness program that will help you stay on track. Or go to your local fitness equipment store and get a fitness journal for about $15. Use it daily.

  4. Mix it up. Most people do the same exercises over and over for years and they always look the same. It is because they have adapted to the exercises and forces the body to adapt. We have to increase the weights, reps, sets, speed or tempo and most of all the intensity. Have you ever worked out and caused a plateau. We all have, changing it up every 2-4 weeks will make a big difference. Let's be clear here. Changing chest press to decline press will not be that dramatic. I am talking about changing 3 sets of 10 to drop sets, super sets, or jump rope between sets. Maybe instead of the body part split routine, go to a full body 3 days a week with 30 seconds between sets. Talk about a cardio boost!

  5. REST & Rehab. Do you ever feel so sore that you just do not wan to workout? It is ok. Rest is just as important as exercising. Walking around so sore they cannot move will hinder your progress. For instance, if you're always working out with weights and cardio and you are still sore the next day and do it over again, you're taping into your rest cycle and not letting the muscle heal. We make our changes when we rest and sleep. We break down muscle during the training. What to do? A hot shower after exercise, a light cardio cool down, stretching and massage never hurt anyone. Or just simply take the day off. You're not going to lose your gains that fast.

  6. Track calories. Tracking calories is a sure fire way to get great results. I would say that 90% of people I come across do not track calories, but they really think they do. The big question is if you really track them, what method do you use? I normally get a response of I look at the label, or add them in my head. Well you would not track your check book in your head would you? So get to it.

  7. The power of positive thinking and reinforcement. We were all created equal as humans, so we can all get into great shape. Some may have a better genetic disposition as we discussed earlier, but we have no limits on fat loss. It may take more work, but it can be done. Have ever heard Tiger Woods speak? He says things like, "I will do better next time, I need to practice my tee shots a little better, or I didn't have my focus today so I will go back and re-evaluate my game this week to prepare for the next!" Schedule, Prepare, and change your thoughts to positive thinking. It works!

  8. Move More. Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it

  9. Cut Fat Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one

  10. Never Quit. Remember this is a process that we can all benefit from. It is a learning process. It took me 3 years to break all the bad eating habits I acquired growing up. I used to eat, sugar filled cereals, chips, sodas, cheese, whole milk and my favorite was McDonald's. It takes time, but is all worth it. So much worth it that I do it for a living. So what are you waiting for?

So there you have it. You're ready to get your fitness program a real boost. Never stop believing in yourself and give it a chance. If you stay committed, track your progress, and have a little more patience, you will be successful.

About the Author:

Ken Karnack is the owner of Old School Fitness with the best Dallas Personal Trainers.