The six pack is what I consider to be the most elusive benefit of exercise that exists. I'm not talking about the kind in your fridge, (which is much easier to find) I'm talking about that group of muscles that make up your core. Why do so many people focus so much time and energy trying to create it.
Ahh, that's just it, what a lot of people don't realize is that it's already there! It's lying underneath that layer of fat just waiting to be discovered.
How do we gain access to the six pack so we can show it off to everyone we know and see the envy in their eyes? That is something I have personally battled with for many years. I lift weights at least twice a week, I work my abs with various routines two to three times a week as well.
I see the shadow of a six pack but nothing like you see on the bodies of these guys in the magazines. Maybe I'm not working hard enough or not eating the right foods. What could it be? The answer for me is insufficient cardio training. However, there are different answers for other people.
Probably the most important factor behind molding our bodies into the shape we want is DNA. That's right, blame your parents! Depending on your DNA you may be destined to have big hips, skinny arms, or a greater amount of body fat that will keep your six pack covered forever.
Your body will fight a heroic and never ending battle to keep the shape that your DNA dictates. That's not to say that you can't overcome it. It just takes some extra effort. One note on that statement however, if all you eat is junk food, you're overweight, and the rest of your family members are thin and fit, be honest with yourself don't try to blame it on DNA.
Calories in versus calories out. When your intake of calories is equal to or greater than your output (the number of calories you burn) that layer of fat covering your abs will stay put. You can do ab routine after ab routine and still not ever see a glimpse of that six pack. What you need to do to burn that fat away is aerobic exercise. Any aerobic activity will help but the best type is interval training.
This is when you alternate between medium and high intensities of exercise. An example of this would be running at an average pace for 2-5 minutes and then running very fast for 30-60 seconds. You would repeat this cycle a number of times.
The advantage of this type of training is the fact that you continue to burn calories for a longer period of time after you've stopped exercising. Just keep in mid that interval training is not for beginners. Always consult a qualified trainer or your doctor before beginning this type of exercise.
Another potential problem is the type of exercise. Your ab muscles are just like any other muscle in your body. When you work them hard they get bigger. You might actually find that if you perform ab exercises using a high resistance and a low number of reps, your waistline may increase.
That might be okay for you if you already have a six pack, but if you still have that layer of fat covering them it can be very discouraging. You need to perform exercises that allow you to do at least 10 or 12 reps. This will strengthen your muscles and shape them for the day when they may actually be seen.
If exposing your six pack was easy, almost everyone would have one. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication just like anything else that's important to you. You've got to understand that you don't need a six pack to be in great shape.
If you follow a healthy diet and participate in resistance and aerobic training on a regular basis you're probably very fit. On the other hand, if having a great looking set of abs is something that's important to you and your DNA allows it, you have to be willing to put in that extra effort. Anyone that has a great looking six pack also has a very low percentage of body fat.
This is not an easy thing to accomplish. A combination of the right food and the right exercise plan should allow you to reach your goals as long as you remain dedicated to it. A qualified personal trainer should be able to set you up and get you on the way to the body you want.
The bottom line is this, the recipe for a six pack is dedication, proper nutrition, the correct types of exercises with adequate frequency, low body fat percentage, and cooperative DNA. Is it worth the effort? That's a question you have to answer for yourself. As for me, I've come to realize that being in great shape and being able to keep up with guys half my age (I'm 42) is enough.
The information I've listed is based on my own personal experience with myself and my clients and on the many articles I've read form various sources. You can find a wide variety of opinions out there, you just have to sift through the material. Base your own conclusions on where the information comes from and your own experiences. The science of fitness is always evolving.
Remember, the only way to show your six pack is by having a very low percentage of body fat. Are you up for the challenge?
Stan Small is a certified personal trainer in Ellsworth, Maine. He is the owner of Personal Fitness Solutions providing in home training programs for the Ellsworth, Maine vicinity. His website is
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