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7 Secrets to beating the police drill instructor at his game in physical fitness training and graduate the academy

By David Wehrenberg, ATC

Are you having problems staying motivated for physical fitness training in police academy or police entrance exam. In 1994 I graduated from the police department in Maryland and if I had the information your about to get it would have made my time in the academy SO Much easier. I remember my first day of physical fitness training in the academy as if it was yesterday, I was dressed up in my professional business attire my (suit). And the next thing I new I was face down sweating like a pig with the police drill instructor screaming in my ear to do more push ups.

My next thought was what did I get my self into I was not prepared for this kind of physical fitness training. The number one tool these agencies use during your first day of physical training are the mind games then placing stress on your body until you scream. Luckily I had a mind shift right then because I wanted to quit! and many people did. Mind games of a law enforcement agency start from the first contact you make with them when applying to their agency, they are trying to determine if you will qualify for their department. I wished I would have know these 7 mind training performance tips before hand.

Police Training Performance tips to improve your mental game!

  1. Understand that there goal is to break you down and build you back up as part of a team. Because on the street your life will depend on your partners focus. Practice focusing on the end result of graduating the academy while your being scream at to do more physical fitness exercise than you have experienced before. Help your partner by encouraging them, if you focus on something else than the physical pain it will be easier. If you have problem focusing light a candle and stare at the flame each day this will help your mind improve on your goal.
  2. Visualize your self getting stronger and faster through the physical fitness training regime with ease. Did you hear of the story of a prisoner of war who practiced 18 holes of golf in his head everyday and when he was released, he played with his buddies and won. His mind did not know if it was real or not, that's why he was successful. Prepare your mind before you get into academy.
  3. Get a friend to yell at you when working out, so that you condition your mind to be in that type of environment. That way there will not be the shock factor during physical fitness training.
  4. Train consistently, there will be days you don't want to work out but, doing so will build mental, physical discipline and confidence. Because there will be days during the academy you will not want to work out. A combination of strength, cardio and flexibility training at least three times a week are important.
  5. Get proper sleep, this will help you be mentally sharp and physically stronger. I can't stress this enough.
  6. Maintain a diet that will power your body all day long. Eat six small meals per day that include nuts, pasta, chicken , fish, fresh fruits. Drink post work out protein shake, click the link below to see what I drink. The fuel you eat will make you feel better. Stay hydrated as well, 8 glasses of water per day, if you sweat a lot drink gatorade. For more information visit or
  7. Positive attitude, work on this daily because police agencies have a lot of negativity with in the department. This will drag you down and make you cynical quicker than anything.

Bonus Tip - Commit to improve your fitness before entering the academy or taking the physical fitness entrance exam.

There you have it. 7 essential strategies for beating the drill instructor in physical fitness training to graduate the law enforcement academy.

I realize that starting a new career in law enforcement is not easy especially if your mind and body are not in excellent shape. That's why I encourage you to get help.

If you're trying to make it in the NFL National Football League and score the highest possible points in the combines, then you go to NFL trainers to improve your game. If you have a back problem, you see a chiropractor. Electricity shuts off, call the electric company. Your car breaks down see a mechanic. So why do so many people struggle to start a new career that involves being fit without consulting an expert? I'm not exactly sure, but I encourage you to make the investment in yourself - for your career choice - by hiring a experienced qualified professional to educate you and help you get started?

because starting a fitness program for a new career is hard and understanding what to do and stay motivated until you reach your goal. Once you push through the mental and physical barriers, your whole life will change for the better.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don't hesitate to call me. I'm happy to speak with you without any sales pressure (I don't like it when I'm "sold" to so I won't try that on you). visit my website call

Classes are now forming!

P.S. Look for more free reports on law enforcement physical fitness coming in the future.

About the Author:

David Wehrenberg is a certified Athletic Trainer and Former Police Officer located in Maryland, District of Columbia, Northern Virginia. His website is