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Weight Lifting Injuries No More!

By Chris Scott

It’s always a welcome feeling when you finally see the fruits of your efforts to come to bear. The last thing you want is a sport injury.You can do warm up exercises for 99 times straight and not feel a thing and on that hundredth occasion you choose to do it again, everything can go wrong in a blink of an eye. This article shows you how to avoid injuries in the gym so you could continue to enjoy this life time sport.

1. Warm up- This is the simplest and most overlooked step by novice athletes, skipping this fundamental routine can only spell disaster for you. Warming up does two things for the body, first it primes the muscles for the strenuous activity ahead by loosening tendons warming muscle fibers and aligning bones, second it gets the blood that contains essential electrolytes and nutrients coursing to the vital organs in the body, with that said warming up is just as important as the actual routine itself.

2. Don’t sacrifice form for reps- One of the deadly sin of training, think of quality over quantity when pondering on this tip, 100 poor sit ups can be easily bested by 10 perfectly executed ones.

3. Don’t get goaded by gym bullies- You may be taunted to lift the weights of your gym mates that have been at it a bit longer than you, naturally you will fail at this attempt to gain face and even worst suffer an injury, lift smart the brain is a muscle in itself so use it to your advantage.

4. Invest on gear- The essential gym equipment every weight trainer must have is a Lumbar belt and gloves, invest on these items first before those fancy trainers, their just like the hard hats engineers use in a construction site. Safety first!

5. Don’t be ashamed to ask for a spot- Emotions can run high in a room full of testosterone junkies, if you think asking for a little help would cause your gym mates to view you as a wimp think again, there is nothing wrong in asking for a spot if it means you getting a quality lift that is free of injuries.

Remember the gym can be your best friend and it can also be your worst enemy, the side where you choose to stand depends solely on your choice.

About the Author:

Chris Scott, CFNS, CPT is a certified personal Trainer and Nutritional Consultant in san antonio, Texas. His website is located at