Seven Killer Core Secrets
“Quick and Easy To Flatten, Tone, and
Tighten Your Tummy”
By Julie Prince
This article is written to be your quick and easy guide towards the attainment of a Killer, flat, toned and tight core (tummy)! So read on for the seven secrets that fitness pros use!
This article, along with your determination, can help you achieve the midsection of your dreams. As with anything in life it takes commitment and motivation! It is not hard to get a strong sexy core it just takes consistency with your workouts and diet!
I am very confident that if you follow the 7 Secrets to a Killer Core tips full 90 days you will have a noticeably toner, smaller, and stronger core! When I talk about the core, I am not talking just about your abs, but rather the entire mid-section: the lumbar region of the back, obliviously the abdominal region, and the gluteal muscles: The gluteal muscles are the three muscles that make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle.
Your core is your POWER HOUSE! All of your movements originate from your core. You can see why then it is very important to keep those muscles strong and this is the first area you should focus on getting FIT and STRONG!
You just have to stay motivated and consistent over a period of no less than 90 days and you will see results!
So without further ado, I give you the Seven Killer Core Secrets!
1) You don’t have to do crunches! What this may sound crazy, but you don’t have to do boring crunches to get a strong core!! Now if you like crunches then go for it, but there are so many other exercises that are much more effective anyways! I highly recommend getting a book on core exercises or working with a Certified Trainer to learn new and even more effective ways to work your core musculature.
2) It is all about your diet! You are what you eat! Ever heard that? Well if you haven’t I am not sure what to think…..but I know you all have! So if you want a lean and sexy body then you have to eat lean foods; chicken, fish, egg whites, lean meats, LOTS of veggies, drink plenty of water, and avoid high amounts of sodium. It is as simple as that...don’t make it complicated. You need the proper blend of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. I highly recommend working with a nutrition coach to help you with this aspect. Anyone can have the body of their dreams just don’t take your eye off of the prize. Yes sometimes it is difficult to stick with a healthy eating plan, but how bad do you want it!
3) You need to eat small portions throughout the day to keep stoking the metabolic fire! Technology has evolved at a faster rate than our biological bodies can keep up! We are still programmed, biologically speaking, to be hunter gatherers...yes it’s true you are a hunter gatherer! I know this sounds funny but we are still in the biological sense we used to walk an average of 20 miles per day in search of food and we ate when we found it. We did not have pretty freezers to store food in get the picture. That is why we HAVE TO EAT SMALL PORTIONS throughout the day!
4) You have to squeeze the muscles...or actively contract the muscles you are working! This is sooo TRUE!! You have to put your mind in the muscle...this is not just me saying this it is backed by science. It is proven to that you will get results faster when concentrate on the muscles you are working. Plus you actively engage more muscles when you contract them at full exertion. So you are essentially getting “more bang for the buck”. I mean who wants to take the time to come to the workouts, eat healthy and then not get as great of results as you could of because you are not concentrating and squeezing the muscles you are working? Time is your most valuable resource so don’t short change this to get results FASTER!
5) Cardio, Cardio, Cardio!!!! You have got to do cardio along with your Core Building exercises! Sprinting is KING!! Nothing trims fat like sprinting think about THIS sprinters are the most in shape people in the Olympics and it’s because it puts them at another level of FAT Burning. With that being said you do not want to sprint more than twice a week! Sprinting is not like long sustained cardio which can be done up to 6 days a week. It is high intensity interval training. Long sustained cardio will get you great results too! Make sure you do cardio at least 3x per week. Walking does not count...unless you are doing it at a 15 mph pace. Push yourselves, your cardio needs to be challenging! If you are a beginner then start with intervals of higher intensity until you build yourself up 60 minutes of sustained exercise with a Heart Rate between the 140-160 mark. Like Nike says “Just Do IT”!!!
6) GET a Heart Rate Monitor!!! This is one valuable tool to use in your arsenal of getting strong, sexy abs! You can cheat on your Cardio when you don’t have one! If you strap it on there is no cheating because this little device will tell you if you are not working hard enough!
7) Eat a blend of high quality carbohydrate and protein within a 45 minute window after your workout! This is extremely important when you are trying to turn your Body into a PRISTINE MACHINE! Your body can not build the lean mass you want it to when you don’t give it the nutrients it needs to assimilate the muscle. We know muscle BURNS MORE it becomes a synergistic effect! And your results become amplified and maximized! That’s what I’m talking about!! Just commit yourself to following these tips for 90 Days and AWESOME results will follow!
About the Author:
Julie Prince CPT is the Founder of Fit Women of Orlando; founded in 2009 the group has grown to over 370 local women. The purpose of this group is to provide a safe, fun, inspirational and welcoming environment for women to connect and stay or become healthy. This group offers a variety of activities, running, biking, and Private Personal Training and Boot Camp Style workouts just to name a few--so no getting bored.
To learn more about this topic and how to truly get in shape contact:
Julie Prince
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Fit Women of Orlando